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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Locus Number 7
Legacy Database LocusID 511
Legacy Database TBTID 288
Locus Year 2007
Open Date 2007-07-10
Close Date 2007-07-17
Open Page 163
Close Page 9
Soil Samples False
Photos False
Munsell Color 2.5Y6/3 Light Yellowish Brown
Description Locus 7 - Extension 2 is the equivalent of Locus 2 Main trench and Locus 5 Extension 1. More cut bone has been recovered - this time in Locus 7. Also, coil made pottery (rim sherd) was recovered from Locus 7. There was also a portion of burnt soil in Locus 7. Like Locus 2 and 5, more pottery, tile, and bone were found as we progressed. A rock feature which continues with Extension 1 was uncovered. Pottery, tile, and bone have come from that area (from the rock feature itself). Ridged pottery sherds were also found in this locus. The yellowish claylike soil from Locus 3 (Northern half of Main trench) was visible in the NE corner of Extension 2. No pottery, bone, or tile came from this area. *Closing page is in CC-7, JAH/JLL II, page 9.
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Opening Grid Coordinates
EW (x) NS (y) Elevation (z) Rotation Order
155 -93 22.6 1
153.35 -93.93 22.66 2
155 -97 22.46 3
153 -97 22.48 4
Closing Grid Coordinates
EW (x) NS (y) Elevation (z) Rotation Order
155 -93 22.51 1
153.35 -93.93 22.55 2
155 -97 22.25 3
153 -97 22.33 4
Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2017) "Locus 7 from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate C/Civitate C 7/2007, ID:588". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
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