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Daily log: 18 July 2007
18 July 2007 Wednesday
The team began by finishing trimming the baulk walls that were started on Tuesday the 17 th . A small piece of modern glass was recovered from the baulk. It was decided to begin excavation of the southeastern extension that was laid out yesterday. Opening photos and elevations were taken and locus 9 was declared. Locus 9 Opening elevations:
NE Corner: 107-3 = 104 cm bd = 22.40 m AE
NW Corner: 104-3 = 101 cm bd = 22.43 m AE
SE Corner: 132-3 = 129 cm bd = 22.15 m AE
SW Corner: 140-3 = 137 cm bd = 22.07 m AE
A full pickpass was made over the entire southeastern extension. The topsoil is dark brown with a spongy root mat. There is a large stump in the northwestern corner of the extension that is bordered on the south by a chunk of white root rot that peels off of the second layer. We removed the loosened soil with trowels and sorted it into buckets that were dumped in the dirt dump southeast of the trench. We used clippers to cut roots that were exposed. Smaller rocks 10-15 cm long were scattered through out the trench. While removing soil from the first pick pass special find #1 was recovered.
Find # 1: Small Bronze Bead (see sketch in trenchbook page
Locus 9
118 cm bd = 22.26 m AE
154.46 E; 98.40 S
While scraping to remove loosened top soil, a medium brown grayish soil, which has a more clay like texture was uncovered. All topsoil was removed, sorted, and dumped and locus 10 was declared. Opening photos and elevations were recorded.
Locus 10 opening elevations:
NW Corner: 105 cm bd = 22.39 m AE
NE Corner: 109 cm bd = 22.35 m AE
SW Corner: 136 cm bd = 22.08 m AE
SE Corner: 131.5 cm bd = 22.125 m AE
We made a pick pass over the southern quarter of the southeastern extension before lunch. The patch of root rot is still visible and the trench floor is spotted with olive brown soil made visible from the pickpass and small unconcentrated rocks. IT seems that the rock formation does not extend into this area at this point.
We began by cleaning and removing loosened soil from the pickpass made before lunch.
All soil was scraped with trowels, sorted into buckets, and dumped.
More olive or yellowish soil is appearing on the southern end of the trench.
A pickpass was made on the northern \xbe of locus 10 extension; all loosened soil was scraped from the trench floor with trowels, sorted into buckets and dumped. There is a low artifact count recovered from locus 10,
Find # 2: Tile fragment with impression (see sketch in trenchbook page
Locus 10
120.5 cm bd = 22.235 m AE
154.16 E; 98.60 S
Once all loosened soil was removed and sorted, a pickpass was made of the northern 2/3 of locus 10 extension this was done in order to level and expose the olive brown yellowish soil over the entire extension.
Artifact summary:
Locus 8 Finds:
Pottery 7 sherds
Bone 11 piece (1 shell)
Terracotta 1/5 bowl
Locus 9 Finds:
Pottery 3 sherds
Bone 1 pieces (shell)
Terracotta 1/5 bowl
Locus 10 Finds:
Pottery 3 sherds
Bone 0 pieces
Terracotta 1 bowl
Baulk Finds:
Pottery 7 sherds (4 join)
Bone 1 piece
Terracotta 1/4 bowls
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Document Type | Trench Book Entry |
Trench Book Entry Date | 2007-07-18 |
Entry Year | 2007 |
Start Page | 17 |
End Page | 22 |
Title | Daily log: 18 July 2007 |
Field Tile Count | 1.5 bowls |
Ceramic Count (Note) | 20 sherds |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
Jennifer A. Hogg, John L. Lape. (2017) "JAH/JLL II (2007-07-18):17-22; Daily log: 18 July 2007 from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate C/Civitate C 7/2007, ID:588/Locus 2". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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