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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Trench T108 2024
Year 2024

Locus 11 is an extension of T108, extending one meter south of the southern edge of the extension Loci 5 and 10 were a part of. T108 was extended as a means of determining whether or not the feature of Locus 8 extended further south, past Locus 10. This locus is about 20 centimeters in depth, which includes topsoil, a dark brown loam with rocks of about 10 centimeters in size. The texture of the soil was compacted and dry, with some medium sized roots present, no stumps were in this locus. This locus contained abraded tile fragments and sparse pottery for the initial 20 centimeters or so. The density and preservation levels of the finds increased while elevation descended, but the qualities of the soil itself didn’t undergo evident changes, (as was the case from Locus 1 to 2, or from Locus 3 to 4). As a result, a new locus was only opened once a clear feature (Locus 8) was reached.

Materials in Locus 11 consisted of 186 pottery fragments, 56.99% of which were categorized as impasto and 39.25% courseware. This locus revealed a concentration of pithos body fragments in the center of the southernmost meter, about 50 centimeters wide from west to east. A handle was uncovered next to the eastern edge of the locus, in its northern half meter. Along the eastern wall of the locus a concentration of tile fragments with a few small stones (5 centimeters in size) scattered throughout it. Stones of 15 to 25 centimeters in size were uncovered scattered about the trench, but a higher concentration was present along the edges of the western corner of the locus. The visible stones seem to be aligned with the stone feature in Locus 8 of T108 and with the stones present in the southern edge of T107.

Locus 11 was initially excavated by throwing a pick pass starting along the western edge, and moving east, picking the entire surface of the locus. The soil was shoveled directly into buckets, then sorted over wheelbarrows. Once the pithos fragments were revealed along the southeastern edge of the locus, handpicks were used to carefully lower the elevation in the remainder of the trench. To define the ceramic, tile and stones, trowels were used, the soil removed with dust pans and trowels and hand sorted into buckets. Once the larger fragments and stones were well defined, so they could be easily identifiable and left in situ, the loose, dry soil was swept into dustpans and sorted into buckets as well.

Locus 11 was topsoil and was equivalent to Loci 1, 3, and 5. Locus 11 overlaid Locus 8, a linear rock feature and likely the eastern wall of the newly discovered ETAP1 (East Terrace Archaic Phase Building 1).

Date Opened 2024-07-24
Date Closed 2024-07-29
Locus Type Topsoil
Munsell Color 10YR 3/3 Dark Brown
Deposit Compaction Moderately compact
Stratigraphic Reliability Poor
Recovery Techniques Other Pick axe, shovel into buckets and sorted over wheelbarrow, brushing and troweling for definition
Mode of Formation natural accumulation
Inorganic Components rocks, tile ceramic
Organic Components roots, leaves
Definition and Position Locus 11 is an extension of T108, extending one meter south of the southern edge of the extension Loci 5 and 10 were a part of
State of Conservation removed after documentation
Observations heavily abraded pieces of tile and pottery
Interpretation insecure topsoil
Length (m) 2.6
Width (m) 1.0
Depth (cm) 22.0
Area (m sq) 2.6
Top Elevation
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
North East
Elevation 28.01
Grid (X) 219.0
Grid (Y) -38.0
North West
Elevation 28.0
Grid (X) 216.48
Grid (Y) -38.0
South East
Elevation 27.99
Grid (X) 219.0
Grid (Y) -39.0
South West
Elevation 27.99
Grid (X) 216.48
Grid (Y) -39.0
Bottom Elevation
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
North East
Elevation 27.8
Grid (X) 219.0
Grid (Y) -38.0
North West
Elevation 27.7
Grid (X) 216.48
Grid (Y) -38.0
South East
Elevation 27.77
Grid (X) 219.0
Grid (Y) -39.0
South West
Elevation 27.75
Grid (X) 216.48
Grid (Y) -39.0
Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2025) "Locus 11 from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 108/T108 2024". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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