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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Abuts Loci 7, 18.
Bottom (m) Closing elevation: 896.240 m. (portion exposed in Trench 97).
Top (m) Opening elevation: 898.065 m. (portion exposed in Trench 97).
Size See Survey database. Portion excavated as Trench 97: ca. 25.77 m. north south-by-unknown east west dimension.
Stage Stage 2
Combined with 7, 11, 12, 14, 18, 28, 31, and 32.
Underlies Loci 1, 4.
Phase Description Phase IV: Nabataean Grand Design: 1st c. BCE to CE 1st c. The full Lower Temenos is constructed, complete...
Preserved Height 1.83 m. visible in Trench 97; estimated 6.50 m actual (see below).
Overlies Loci 12, 31, 32.
Stage Description Main construction of the West Cryptoporticus.
Definition West face of the Lower Temenos Retaining Wall
Location Easternmost boundary of Trench 97.
Bonds to Loci 12, 28.
Phase IV
Description A section of the West face of the Lower Temenos Retaining Wall was revealed during the removal of the fill deposit in Loci 1,4, and completion of the excavation exposed ca. 1.83 m of the upper portion of this wall. Some 25.77 m of the north south length of the wall was exposed in Trench 97 (approximately the area between the 6th and 25th arch springers), while the southernmost section was previously uncovered during the excavation of Trench 79. The wall is constructed primarily of sandstone blocks, interspersed with others appearing to be of a low-grade limestone, as well as intermittent snecking stones. The construction includes a mixture of dressed, hewn, and rough-hewn stones—although the appearance of the latter may be more the result of degradation. There are four-to-six preserved courses visible above the extant top level of the East Boundary Wall of the West Cryptoporticus East. Occasional traces of a bonding component suggest that the wall was laid using a wet-mortar technique. The thickness of the wall is not evident due to the overlying fill still present on the Lower Temenos. The estimated actual height of the West LT Retaining Wall is 6.50 m based on the sondage in Locus 17, which revealed the bottom edge of the lowest courses in the east west Wall Loci 31 and 32 at 891.563 m. The exposed east sections of Wall Loci 31 and 32 are ca. 2.95 m inside Vault Locus 12; this places them spatially beneath Wall Loci 6 and 28. This fact, combined with the evidence that the construction of Vault Locus 12 is bonded to Wall Loci 6 and 28 as it passes through them, suggests that Wall Loci 31 and 32 may represent facing walls bonded to the combined Wall Loci 6 and 28; if this is the case, then the only evidence that Locus 6 bonds with Locus 28 is here beneath ground, as there are no indications above that these two walls, separated by Locus 7, are bonded near their tops. The interrelation of the architectural elements suggests the construction of Wall Locus 6 was contemporary with Wall Locus 28 and Vault Locus 12, and should be assigned to the main construction period.
Architectural or Soil Locus? Architectural
Suggested Citation

Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 6 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Lower Temenos/Trench 97". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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