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Location West boundary.
Size 35.82 m-by-1.20­-1.30 m.
Description The Middle Pier Wall separates the West Cryptoporticus East (Trenches 79 and 97) and the West Cryptoporticus West (Trenches 79 and 98) for a length of 35.82 m, and also served originally to support the central row of columns in the West Triple Colonnade. Two styles of construction are visible in the wall. From the level of the West Cryptoporticus East floor (Locus 25), four ashlar courses of header and stretcher construction rise to the approximate height of 1.20 to 1.30 m. Vault Locus 14 is inserted into and bonded to these courses between the 12th and 13th arch springers. A narrow string-like course consisting of small rough-hewn stones is laid just above the four courses of ashlars the entire length of Wall Locus 11, except where it is interrupted by the curvature of Vault Locus 14. Above this string-like course the division of the wall into piers commences. The construction of the piers resumes the use of ashlars laid in the header and stretcher arrangement, with each course averaging between two-to-three rows to achieve the required 1.20-1.30 m thickness of the wall. The largest of these stones (0.70 m-by-0.68 m) can be seen between the 13th and 14th arch springers. The preserved heights of these piers range between 0.50–0.85 m. There are 14 piers, including the five reconstructed from Trench 79 at the south end and the larger section preserved at the north at the intersection with the Propylaeum, which alternate with openings that communicate through into the West Cryptoporticus West (Trenches 79 and 98)—except for the first couple at the south end. D. Qublan indicated he believes that these openings would have been positioned beneath the columns of the central row in the overlying colonnade. These openings have a 0.70–0.75 m width, a range in depth from 1.20-to-1.30 m (wall thickness), and preserved heights up to ca. 2.00 m based on the extant portions of the associated piers. The arch springers are positioned to flank these openings. The preserved height of the wall is represented by between seven and nine ashlar courses. Like Wall Loci 6 and 28, the majority of the stones are hewn sandstone, although with some low-grade limestone as well, augmented by the use of snecking stones. The entire construction appears to have been laid using a wet-mortar technique. The similarities in the construction of Wall Locus 11 to those of Wall Loci 6 and 28, especially regarding the bonded associations of Vault Loci 14 and 12 respectively, suggest that these architectural features are all contemporary and should be assigned to the main construction period.
Stage Stage 2
Phase Description Phase IV: Nabataean Grand Design: 1st c. BCE to CE 1st c. The full Lower Temenos is constructed, complete...
Stage Description Main construction of the West Cryptoporticus.
Overlies None.
Definition Middle Pier Wall between the West Cryptoporticus East and the West Cryptoporticus West
Underlies Locus 2.
Combined with Loci 6, 7, 12, 14, 18, 28, 31, and 32.
Abuts Locus 25.
Bottom (m) Closing elevation: ca. 893.75 m.
Top (m) Opening elevation: 896.193–896.540 m.
Phase IV
Preserved Height ca. 2.45–2.80 m.
Bonds to None.
Architectural or Soil Locus? Architectural
Suggested Citation

Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 11 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Lower Temenos/Trench 97". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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