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Pottery Summary
Loci 1, 4, 7, 9 - topsoil: 21.7%
Coarseware: 11 fragments, 2.5%
- Body - 8 fragments, 73%
- Rim - 1 fragment, 9%
- Base - 2 fragments, 18%
Orangeware: 28 fragments, 6.3%
- Body - 28 fragments, 100%
Impasto: 382 fragments, 83.2 %
- Body - 348 fragments, 91%
- Rim - 18 fragments, 4,8%
- Base - 12 fragments, 3,1%
- Handle - 4 fragments, 1%
Bucchero: 1 fragment, 0.2%
- Body - 1 fragment, 100%
Creamware: 35 fragments, 7.8%
- Body - 35 fragments, 100%
Material fragmentary and heavily worn
Locus 2, 3: 2.9%
Produced 55 impasto, 3 coarseware and 2 creamware fragments. Impasto fragments included 2 rims and 1 base. Also a large coarseware handle fragment was found which possibly joins to the "well cover" found in CA42 in 1997 (see
).Locus 15: 0.8%
Produced 1 coarseware, 15 impasto fragments and 1 bucchero rim. A large, very fragmentary and extemely friable part of situla with handle (#2, p. 149 ) also was found.
Locus 5, 11, 13: 44.8%
Coarseware: 87 fragments, 8.9%
- Body - 79 fragments, 90%
- Rim - 5 fragments, 6%
- Base - 2 fragments, 2.3%
- Handle - 1 fragment, 1.7%
Orangeware: 35 fragments, 3.8%
- Body - 34 fragments, 97%
- Base - 1 fragment, 3%
Impasto: 777 fragments, 84.3%
- Body - 698 fragments, 89.8%
- Rim - 55 fragments, 7.15%
- Base - 19 fragments, 2.45%
- Handle - 5 fragments, 0.6%
Bucchero: 20 fragments, 2.7%
- Body - 15 fragments, 75%
- Rim - 2 fragments, 10%
- Base - 1 fragment, 5%
- Handle -2 fragments, 10%
Creamware: 3 fragments, 0.3%
- Body - 3 fragments, 100%
Material fragmentary but fairly well preserved. Fairly large parts of vessels were retrieved including part of a full profile pot (#2 p. 129 ). Predominant fabric type was impasto, few fine ware fragments were found. A large number of fragments appeared to be coil made. Very little decorated pottery was found. Notable finds included: impasto and coarse ware base (#5 p. 109 , #9 p. 117 , #5 p. 123 ), coild made rims (#10 p. 117 , #7 p. 115 , #2 p. 129 , #5 p. 131 ), ridged rim (#3 p. 113 ), orangeware handle base (#4 p. 131 ), bucchero base (#3 p. 107 ), bucchero handle (#1 p. 61 ). Unusual fragments included #1 p. 57 , #1 p. 129 .
Locus 10: 18.2%
Coarseware: 27 fragments, 7%
- Body - 21 fragments, 78%
- Rim - 5 fragments, 18%
- Base - 1 fragment, 4%
Orangeware: 8 fragments, 2%
- Body - 8 fragments, 100%
Impasto: 310 fragments, 83%
- Body - 257 fragments, 83%
- Rim - 35 fragments, 11%
- Base - 10 fragments, 3%
- Handle - 8 fragments, 3%
Bucchero: 25 fragments, 7%
- Body - 16 fragments, 64%
- Rim - 7 fragments, 28%
Base - 1
fragment, 4%
- Handle -1 fragment, 4%
Creamware: 3 fragments, 1%
- Body - 3 fragments, 100%
Material fragmentary but fairly well preserved. Large portions of some vessels present including full profiles (#5 p. 85 ). A lot of coil made ceramics (#1 p. 83 , #4 p. 95 , #2 p. 103 , #2 p. 79 ). Fine pottery was scarce as was decorated pottery, except for a knob decorated fragment of impasto (#5 p. 95 , #3 p. 103 ).
Loci 14, 16: 11.6%
Coarseware: 19 fragments, 8%
- Body - 16 fragments, 84%
- Rim - 1 fragment, 5%
- Base - 1 fragment, 5%
- Handle - 1 fragment, 5%
Orangeware: 78 fragments, 32%
- Body - 77 fragments, 98%
- Rim - 1 fragment, 2%
Impasto: 140 fragments, 58%
- Body - 126 fragments, 90%
- Rim - 13 fragments, 9.3%
- Base - 2 fragments, 0.7%
Bucchero: 2 fragments, 2%
- Body - 2 fragments, 100%
Material fragmentary but well preserved. High percentage fo orange ware results from numerous fragments of what appears to be one vessel (also see #1 p. 141 ). 2 complete profiles were recovered, both bowls of impasto (#1 p. 183 , #2 p. 185 ), as well as a large part of a ring-based closed-shaped vessel (#3 p. 185 ). The only decorated example was fragmentary coarseware rim with incised striation (#4 p. 167 ). Also a buccheroid fine base was found in this stratum (#1, p. 169 ).
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Document Type | Trench Book Entry |
Trench Book Entry Date | 1998-07-31 |
Entry Year | 1998 |
Start Page | 204 |
End Page | 225 |
Title | Pottery Summary |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
Margarita Gleba. (2017) "MG II (1998-07-31):204-225; Pottery Summary from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate A/Civitate A 42N/1998, ID:360". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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