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Collection-Unit 9036
Materials-Observed Structures and Cairns
Interpretation Settlement
Name Kato Vayia - Lower Terrace with Structures
Period, Summary Bronze Age to Hellenistic, with occasional earlier and later material
Topo-Map 63686
Toponym Kato Vayia
Northing 4190083.0
Easting 682344.0
Toponym Secondary Lychnari Bay
Investigation-Methods DU Survey, Recorded, Mapped
Elevation 80.0
Area 465.0
Description This LOCA comprises 10 DUs that occupy the middle zone of the terraced area of the eastern slope of Kato Vayia to the Southeast of the geodetic marker and Northwest of the dirt road on the slope running northwest to southeast. The LOCA is bordered on the Northwest and Southeast by two rock piles (cairns) and includes three rectangular stone structures and a wall. The structures actually derive from multiple periods, from prehistoric (a collapsed pile of rock) through modern (the rectangular structures). The wall may fall chronologically between these two extremes, possibly of broadly Classical date. This southernmost rubble/rock pile located on the lower terraced area of the eastern slope of Kato Vayia is DU 3015. It is bordered on the East by the dirt road. This rock pile is roughly trapezoidal in shape, and could be considered a cairn. This rock pile roduced a larger amount of artifactual material than surrounding DUs. The northernmost rubble/rock pile located on the lower terraced area of the eastern slope of Vayia is DU 3016. The rock pile is almost rectangular in shape and could probably be considered a cairn. The artifacts were collected from the surface of the rock pile/cairn. See Tartaron, Rothaus, and Pullen 2003; Tartaron, Pullen, and Noller 2006.
References Thomas F. Tartaron, Richard M. Rothaus, and Daniel J. Pullen, “Searching for Prehistoric Aegean Harbors with GIS, Geomorphology, and Archaeology,” Athena Review 3(4) (2003): 27–36; Thomas F. Tartaron, Daniel J. Pullen, and Jay S. Noller, “Rillenkarren at Vayia: Geomorphology and a New Class of Early Bronze Age Fortified Settlement in Southern Greece,” Antiquity 80 (2006): 145–60; William R. Caraher, David K. Pettegrew, and Sarah James, “Towers and Fortifications at Vayia in the Southeast Corinthia,” Hesperia 79.3 (2010): 385–415.
Toponymn (Linked)
Period (Linked) Bronze Age-Roman
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Suggested Citation

David K. Pettegrew, Timothy E Gregory, Daniel J Pullen, Richard Rothaus, Thomas F Tartaron. (2021) "LOCA 9036 from Europe/Greece/Corinthia/EKAS Region/Kato Vayia". In The Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey. David K. Pettegrew, Timothy E Gregory, Daniel J Pullen, Richard Rothaus, Thomas F Tartaron (Ed). Released: 2021-06-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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