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13 July 2015

13 July 2015


Opening photographs and elevations for the day were taken. Work begins both inside the circular feature as well as outside. Outside work is focusing on removing soil to better expose the lower stone so that they can be eventually removed. Inside the feature, leaf trowels are being used to remove soil surrounding the tile packing so that they too can be taken out.  Opening Elevations of the internal soil are as follows:

NW Corner: 25.04m A.E.

NE Corner: 25.14m A.E.

SE Corner: 25.06m A.E.

SW Corner: 24.95m A.E.

It should be noted that the soil being collected is being kept for floatation. Approximately four full buckets of soil will be transported to the

magazzino for testing. Two small, 8-15cm stones have been removed in the southwest corner of the circular rock feature. Another stone has been removed along the western side of the feature. This stone was about 60cm in width, being the largest yet removed. A stone about 20cm in size was removed from inside the circular rock feature, in the western section. Close to this stone, a ridged pottery fragment was found.

Find 1: Ridged Rim Fragment


24.94m A.E.

Locus 19

Two additional stones were removed from the western

section of the feature. The western coursing of the feature has proven to be much more robust than previously anticipated. Another 20cm stone has been removed from the southwest section of the feature. One full bowl of tile has already been uncovered. Very little bone or pottery is present.

Find 2: Frieze Plaque Cavetto Fragment


24.90m A.E.

Locus 19



Work is now solely focused on removing soil from the interior of the circular feature. Two more 15-20cm stones have been removed. One from inside, in the north. And one from along the western face. Only trowels and leaf trowels are being used to avoid damaging the structural terra cotta present.

Find 3: Banquet Scene Frieze Plaque Fragment


23.99m A.E.

Locus 19



An additional piece of frieze plaque has been uncovered, however this fragment only shows the dentals.

Find 4: Frieze Plaque Fragment with Dentals


25.02m A.E.

Locus 19



Find 5: Possible Sima attachment Fragment


25.02m A.E.

Locus 19

Find 6: Cover Tile with Spiral Design Sigla

95.41 E/ 54.49 S

24.97 m A.E.

Locus 19



Two 30cm stones were removed, one from the southwest and one northwest. Very little material is present besides tile.

Find 7: Possible Chimney Cover Fragment


24.94m A.E.

Locus 19

Find 8: Possible Sima Attachment Fragment


24.95m A.E.

Locus 19

Two additional stones have been removed along the western face of the feature.

Find 9: Statue Fragment

95.30 E/ 54.19 S

24.94 m A.E.

Locus 19


Excavation continues in Locus 19 , the medium brown, claylike and moist soil within the circular feature and among the stones composing the eastern profile which are being defined and removed. Many fragments of terra cotta, primarily roofing elements and some decorative fragments removed. Pottery and bone recovered in much smaller concentrations. A few small patches of deteriorating stone are being removed from within the feature. While excavating the interior, a possible hip tile and two associated fragments of burned bone recovered.

Find 10: Possible Hip Tile Fragment


24.86m A.E.

Locus 19

Find 11: Burned Bone Fragments (associated)


24.90m A.E.

Locus 19

Another possible sima attachment and a lateral sima fragment recovered.

Find 12: Possible Sima Attachment Fragment


24.95m A.E.

Locus 19

Find 3: Lateral Sima Fragment


24.95m A.E.

Locus 19

A fragment of lateral sima cavetto preserving a rosette in place is being revealed. A photograph of this object will be taken in situ prior to its removal. Several fragments of both undecorative and decorative terra cotta, including two fragments of the banqueting frieze plaque (possibly associated with the fragments found this morning) and another possible sima attachment, removed.

Find 14: Fragment of Banquet Frieze Plaque


24.80m A.E.

Locus 19


20150053 20150053

Find 15: Fragment of Banquet Frieze Plaque


24.89m A.E.

Locus 19


20150052 20150052

Find 16: Possible Lateral Sima Attachment Fragment

95.49 E/ 54.53 S

24.81 m A.E.

Locus 19

While cleaning the lateral sima fragment for photographs, a fragment if rosette broke off but will be saved and collected with the whole fragment once it is removed. A photograph taken of the sima in situ. In order to remove the sima fragment, two large stones about 40-50cm in length each much be removed from the northwestern face of the profile of the circular feature. Once those two stones were removed, a third stone approximately 25cm in length removed and then a fourth stone about 40cm in length taken out. It was discovered that several more stones overlay the fragment and it could not be removed this afternoon. In order to protect the fragment some loose dirt was overlaid on top of it. The broken fragment of rosette brought down to the magazzino for reattachment in conservation later.

Daily Totals:

Locus 19:

Terra Cotta: 5¾ bowls

Pottery: 1 latter (100 fragments)

Bone: 10 fragments

Slag: 1 fragment

Bronze: 1 flake

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
AEG IX info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Ann Elizabeth Glennie, Rachael Dodd, Jon Meyers. (2017) "AEG IX (2015-07-13):247-274; 13 July 2015 from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 62/2015, ID:697/Locus 18". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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