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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Overlies Locus 39.
Underlies Loci 9, 21, 38.
Combined with Locus 30.
Top (m) Opening elevation: 893.179 m in northwest, 893.758 m in northeast.
Definition The Portico Wall
Stage Description Portico Wall and doorway through wall.
Stage Stage 3
Abuts Loci 11, 13, 14, 20, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40.
Size Approx. 8.00 m (runs length of trench).
Location In north of trench.
Phase Description Phase II: First period of major Nabataean construction at the Great Temple complex in the 1st c. BCE. Portico...
Phase II
Bottom (m) Closing elevation: 891.384 m in center.
Description The Portico Wall, a massively-built sandstone wall oriented east west and forming, in essence, the northern boundary of the trench. The exposed north face (fronting on the Roman Street) shows large brownish-red sandstone blocks, expertly dressed, laid very well with some evidence of mortar. The south face is obscured by a late wall built flush against it. The wall is more well-preserved on the west, tapering down to only one or two courses preserved over the string course on the east.
Architectural or Soil Locus? Architectural
Suggested Citation

Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 15 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Propylaeum/Trench 99". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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