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Daily Log
July 21, 1989
tile - 1/2 cassetta
pottery - 3 latte
1. N/68: mad cut c. 95-105 cm in this meter. Soil continues from above to circa 100 cm (see NM II, p. 167 ) at which point burn layer is encountered. Nature of burn here does not include concentrations of burnt material (charcoal, tile, plaster) but rather is uniform discoloration of soil. Pottery finds are abundant within this darker "burn" layer, as are bone fragments. Tile finds were mostly small (as was plaster) with exception of on large cover tile fragment.
tile - 1/2 casetta
pottery - 2 latte
2. O/68 -
Continued cut to this meter. Burn is not present here, as in other O meters (O/69-71) except in rare patches in northern edge. Cut terminates a few centimeters into burn. Most pottery and bone came from burn. Tile small and worn, with exception of one large pan tile fragment. One pithos rim frag some vitrified tile
tile - 1 3/4 cassetta
pottery - 2 1/4 latte
3. Cut in M-O/64-65 to c. 85 cm. Soil is essentially as from previous cut but with increasing concentrations of plaster and burnt material. Several large rocks were evenly scattered in O-N/64-65 with no apparent connections. Cut is terminating in a layer with lots of tile in M/64-65 fading into N-O. Mesti work in M/64-65 appears to reveal a very jumbled group of smallish tile frags - not large pieces - concentrate in M/64. Baulk in M/64-65 does not reveal "plaster layer" but an extension of previous soil.
tile - 1/4 cassetta
pottery - 1/3 latte
4. O/67
Cut to c. 10 cm made in eastern 1/3 of O/67 abutting most easterly projections of tile line. Soil throughout cut is a typical jumbled medium dark brown w/ lots of plaster frags - cut did not contact burn layer except at very bottom.
tile - 1/3 cassetta
pottery - 1 1/2 latte
5. N/67
extended to N/67. As noted in N/68, more contact w/ burn layer here. Cut stops in western edge 15-25 cms off tile line.
tile - 1 dz pieces
pottery - 3/5 latte
6. M/67 extended. This cut terminates on top of mixed stratum of burn and whitish material (organic matter?) noted in M/68 ( NM II, p. 195 ) which did not hold as much pottery as other meters.
tile - 1 1/2 cassetta
pottery - 2/5 latte
7. Tile Line
After photos of tile at 80-85 cm level 1st layer of tile removed revealing more tile in some linear orientation. The edges of this tile line were mestied for photos and examination of soil. Following observation were made: Soil on both sides of tile line exhibits mixed types of varying in color from light olive-brown to medium brown and with varying amounts of small flecks of plaster and charcoal. Occasional pockets of very clean soil can be found, particularly within the tile like itself. This mesti cut terminates c. 90 cm b.s.
- Find #5
- O/68
- 103 cm
Burnt pithos fragment with bag of charcoal
- Find #7
- N/65
- 85 cm
- Find #8
- M/67
- 98 cm
Rocchetto with stamp
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Document Type | Trench Book Entry |
Trench Book Entry Date | 1989-07-21 |
Entry Year | 1989 |
Start Page | 202 |
End Page | 215 |
Title | Daily Log |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) | NM II Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
Nathan Meyer. (2017) "NM II (1989-07-21):202-215; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 26/1989, ID:134/PC 19890088". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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