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26 July 2016

26 July 2016


Resumed work defining and revealing stones towards the northern baulk wall of the extension. The soil margin around the trees in the SE 1 corner of extension also being baulk walled, with materials recovered being collected with Locus 6 . Soil turned up in defining and baulk walling remains consistent with Locus 6 . Materials recovered include terra cotta and pottery in small concentrations. Roots and some small stones (2-5cm) from above the stone packing feature removed. Vitrified terra cotta with modern breaks recovered from the northwest corner.

Find 1: Vitrified Terra Cotta Fragment


25.54m A.E.

Locus 6

An especially large fragment of slag recovered.

Find 2: Large Slag Fragment


25.50m A.E.

Locus 6

A fragment of bone (with modern breaks) recovered as well. After examination of the stone packing feature to the extent it has been revealed (about 1m south of the northern baulk wall of the extension) the methodology has been slightly adjusted. Previously, all stones were being left in situ regardless of size or elevation. It has become clear, however, that most of the stones defined in the northern two meters of the extension are not only smaller (5-15cm) but also at a higher elevation (10-15cm) than the larger stones

(15-40cm) in the southern two meters of the extension and the main trench. To that end, these smaller, higher stones are being removed via hand picks and trowels in order to lower the soil to the elevation of the larger stones in the hopes that their nature can be better understood through this definition. This process will also be undertaken in the southwestern corner of the extension which also has the same character (smaller stones at a higher elevation). Soil remains consistent with Locus 6, hand sorted into buckets. Small concentrations of terra cotta, pottery--some of which is burned--, and slag recovered. Roots and small rocks (2-5cm) continue to be included in the soil pack. Additionally, a fragment of terra cotta with a possible finger impression recovered.

Find 3: Terra Cotta Pan Tile Fragment with Possible Siglum


25.40m A.E.

Locus 6

As the small stones were removed and the soil leveled down in the southwestern corner, one more large stone (20-30cm) was revealed in the packing. A cluster of three stones was also revealed about 25cm south of the packing; they may be scatter or possibly unassociated. Several large (2-7cm) fragments of

terra cotta removed during leveling. The area north of the packing has not yet been lowered sufficiently to provide better definition of the stone packing feature's nature.

PM Continued to lower the elevation of the soil north of the stone packing feature, removing small stones (2-7cm) which are at a higher elevation than the height of the main trench. Soil removed remains consistent with Locus 6 , hand sorted into buckets. Materials recovered include terra cotta, pottery, and slag in small concentrations as well as a fragment of vitrified terra cotta (with modern breaks). Due to the quantity of vitrified terra cotta recovered in Locus 6 , it will now be collected in bulk.

Find 4: Vitrified Terra Cotta Fragments


25.50m A.E.

Locus 6

As the soil immediately north of the stone packing has been leveled and no further stones are evident extending to the north, the pick axe is now being used to lower the soil between the stone packing feature and the northern baulk wall. Soil hand sorted into buckets remains consistent with Locus 6 . Soil heavily included with roots and with medium concentrations of small stones (2-5cm). Materials recovered in medium concentrations, including terra cotta, pottery, slag, bone, and vitrified terra cotta. Second pick pass undertaken across the same area from the northern baulk of the extension to the area north of the stone packing. Soil hand sorted into buckets, remains consistent with Locus 6 . Soil pack remains heavily included with roots and with a medium concentration of small stones (2-5cm). Materials

recovered include terra cotta, pottery, and slag in small concentrations. When work ended for the day the area north of the stone packing was lowered to about 3-7cm above the stones (with the depth sloping up towards the northern baulk wall of the extension). With the small stones and surrounding soil cleared the packing does look more discrete. It begins about 60cm north of the southwestern corner along the western baulk wall extending almost a meter north (also along the western baulk wall). The feature extends about 2m to the east from the western baulk wall, tapering gradually to an approximately height north to south of 60cm. The feature furthermore becomes less packed as it moves eastward; it is relatively tightly packed for the first meter from the western baulk and less concentrated for the second meter from the western baulk wall. The stones composing

the feature range from 10-40cm in length.

Daily Totals:

Locus 6:

Terra cotta: 2/3 bowl

Pottery: 3/5 latte (97 fragments)

Bone: 1/20 latte (10 fragments)

Slag: 1/20 latte (16 fragments)

Vitrified terra cotta: 3 fragments

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
AEG X info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Ann Elizabeth Glennie info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Ann Elizabeth Glennie. (2017) "AEG X (2016-07-26):201-216; 26 July 2016 from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 87/2016, ID:724/Locus 6". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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