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Tuesday 10 July 2012


First pick pass commenced in the southern section of the westernmost meter of the trench, minding not to pick within the rocks that were defined yesterday in the northwestern corner. So far three rocks have been uncovered, approximately 20-40cm in length with soil pack of approximately 30cm between each. Soil from the pick pass sorted and cleaned from the trench, remaining consistent with Locus 2 soil. During cleaning pottery, bone, and terra cotta found. Simultaneously, pick axing done within the roots systems of the stumps in the central part of the trench. A few small worn pieces of terra cotta recovered when the soil sorted and cleaned. Pick pass done in the easternmost meter, avoiding several rocks appearing near the northeastern corner. Soil sorted and cleaned from the trench, consistent with Locus 2 , but somewhat more loosely packed. During sorting and cleaning found pottery and terra cotta, as well as large concentrations of bone. Picking also done beneath tree roots in the central area of the trench. During cleaning recovered small fragments of pottery and terra

cotta, as well as one piece of vitrified terra cotta.

Find 1: Vitrified Terra Cotta Fragment 20120106


26.92m A.E.


Locus 2

Pick pass commenced over the second meter area from the eastern baulk wall. Soil remains consistent with Locus 2 , high quantities of terra cotta, pottery, and bone recovered. Carbon also present in the soil. Pick pass done in the western meter of the trench. Soil consistent with Locus 2 , sorted and cleaned from the trench. Terra cotta, pottery, bone, and slag found in cleaning, and carbon present in the soil. Terra cotta present in small quantities, pottery and bone are high frequency. Pick used to remove soil from beneath stump in the central area of the trench. One small stump removed. Soil cleaned and sorted from beneath the stump, consistent with Locus 2 . Very little material being found beneath the stumps, including terra cotta. Simultaneously the three rocks in the northwestern corner defined around in order to see if they extend using a trowel. A few pieces of pottery found during definition, as well as a fragment

of terra cotta which is within the rock pack and being defined around. Another pick pass done at the same time along the eastern baulk wall. Soil sorted and cleaned from the trench consistent with Locus 2 and loosely packed. Pottery, bone, and terra cotta recovered. During definition in the northwestern corner, pieces of vitrified terra cotta found.

Find 2: Vitrified Terra Cotta Fragments 20120136


26.93m A.E.


Locus 2

Pick pass done in the easternmost meter by three meter section. Soil consistent with Locus 2 , sorted and cleaned from the trench. Carbon present, pottery, terra cotta, and bone all found in the sorting, as well as several interesting pottery finds: unusual tondo fragment, a deeply carinated bowl fragment,

and piece of vitrified impasto.

Find 3: Unusual Tondo Fragment

26.90m A.E.


Locus 2

Find 4: Deeply Carinated Pottery Fragment

26.89m A.E.


Locus 2

Find 5: Vitrified Impasto Body Fragment

26.89m A.E.


Locus 2

Pick pass done in the second meter from the eastern wall. Soil sorted and cleaned from the trench, consistent with Locus 2 . Small concentrations of bone, pottery, terra cotta, and slag found. No carbon present in this pass. Simultaneously definition still occurring in the northwestern corner, which has uncovered

several more rocks, still with a soil pack, but they are being found closer together the more soil is removed. During definition, piece of vitrified plaster found.

Find 6: Vitrified Plaster Fragment

27.01m A.E.


Locus 2

During the cleaning and sorting in the eastern area a bronze fibula found.

Find 7: Bronze Fibula Fragment 20120069


26.90m A.E.


Locus 2

Another pick pass done in the western most meter by three meters, avoiding the rocks in the northwestern corner. Soil sorted and cleaned from the trench, consistent with Locus 2 . Soil contains carbon as well as bone, terra cotta, pottery, and slag. One fragment of iron recovered.

Find 8: Iron Fragment

26.96m A.E.


Locus 2

Hand axes used to define the northwestern corner, and to take down the small wall between CA 72 and CA 70. During cleaning very few materials found including pottery and terra cotta. Vitrified terra cotta found and collected as bulk finds from now on unless they are unusual size or shape. Soil cleaned from the trench consistent with Locus 2 .


Pick pass done through the easternmost meter by three meters. During pick pass recovered braided pithos fragment.

Find 9: Fragment of Pithos with Braided Design

26.93m A.E.


Locus 2

Soil sorted and cleaned from the trench, consistent with Locus 2 . Finding terra cotta, pottery, and bone while cleaning. Simultaneously definition continued in the northwestern corner to level that area down to the level of the rest of the meter achieved on the last pick pass. Pottery recovered during sorting, soil consistent with Locus 2 . Over in the easternmost meter, piece of ridged pottery found.

Find 10: Ridged Impasto Rim Fragment

26.85m A.E.


Locus 2

Pick pass done in the second meter from the east. Soil mostly consistent with Locus 2 , with some chalky white loosely packed soil occurring around rocks (10-30cm in length) under the tree stumps. Soil sorted and cleaned from the trench, carbon present. High concentrations of pottery and low concentrations of terra cotta and bone found. During definition in the northwestern corner many fragments of slag found, as well as a bronze artifact, possibly a stopper.

Find 11: Bronze--Possible Stopper 20120065


26.99m A.E.


Locus 2

Pick pass commenced in the westernmost meter of the trench, south of the rocks in the northwestern corner. Soil sorted and cleaned from the trench, consistent with Locus 2 . Terra cotta, pottery, bone, and slag found during cleaning. Also found a piece of worked chert.

Find 12: Worked Chert

26.90m A.E.


Locus 2

Bone is being found in relatively high concentrations and several large pieces of terra cotta recovered. Second pick pass done in the southern half of the western meter to level the area to the same as in the northern half. Soil consistent with Locus 2 , but loosely packed. Small amounts of material recovered, and carbon present in the soil. When soil all cleared away a line of large terra cotta tiles found running roughly east to west into CA 70. Additionally during picking in the east, large fragments of terra cotta found roughly in line with those fragments in the west. To that end, it was decided to spend more time focusing on taking the stumps out of the central portion of the trench, the area

Find 13: Bucchero Body Sherd with Petal Design 20120108


Supplemental Find

~26.90m A.E.


Locus 2

through which the tiles seem to run. Picking done from both sides of the stumps. Soil consistent with Locus 2 , sorted and cleaned from the trench. Bone, pottery, and terra cotta found during cleaning. Hand axes used to further excavate the roots until the end of the day.

End of Day Elevations:

NW Corner: 27.00m A.E.

NE Corner: 26.84m A.E.

SE Corner: 26.92m A.E.

SW Corner: 26.98m A.E.

Daily Totals:

Locus 2 :

Terra cotta: 2 and 1/2 bowls

Pottery: 437 pieces

Bone: 139 pieces

Slag: 29 pieces

Vitrified terra cotta: 11 pieces

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
AEG VI info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Ann Elizabeth Glennie info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Ann Elizabeth Glennie. (2017) "AEG VI (2012-07-10):81-98; Tuesday 10 July 2012 from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate A/Civitate A72/2012, ID:655/Locus 2". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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