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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Architectural or Soil Locus? Soil
Phase Description
Description This is a destruction debris layer, with not very coarse, loose soil (Munsell 5YR 6/4) and no inclusions, save for architectural fragments. It is situated in the north two-thirds of the trench, roughly over and north of Locus 9, East-West Wall. It does not seem in any way distinct from Locus 1, destruction debris, which thinly overlay it in the north.
Stage Description Major destruction and abandonment. Accumulation of fill containing 150 architectural fragments and fine, loose sand.
Top (m) Top elevation: 906.306 m.
Stage Stage 8
Bottom (m) Bottom elevation: 905.466 m.
Definition Destruction debris.
Suggested Citation

Martha Sharp Joukowsky. (2007) "Locus 8 from Asia/Jordan/Petra Great Temple/Temple/Trench 23". In Petra Great Temple Excavations. Martha Sharp Joukowsky (Ed). Released: 2007-11-11. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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Required Attribution: Citation and reference of URIs (hyperlinks)