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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Locus ID H7K30:050
(Legacy ID: _id) 8c770f83ca04b90c9fa8dc85488e0590
(Legacy ID: _rev) 15-89dd61b210af5783213b8816b09b98d7
Square 7K30
Code 050
Designation Rubble layer in corner between Walls 46 and 49
Field H
Locus type Earth
Area H
Start season 2008
End season 2008
Start date 2008-07-16
Bottom separation Average
Created at 2010-07-05
Top separation Arbitrary
Updated at 2010-07-31
Stratigraphy remarks Later than Wall 46
Reason Arbitrary, for control
End date 2008-07-23
Supervisor I. LaBianca
Function Fill layer outside the perimeter Walls 46 & 49
Architecture 0
State Approved
Stratigraphic relations
Clean locus False
Age (period) Iron 1
L. Sh. Scan: H7K30050-2008PotteryBack
L. Sh. Scan: H7K30050-2008EarthSuppDataBack
L. Sh. Scan: H7K30050-2008EarthBack
L. Sh. Scan: H7K30050-2008EarthFront
L. Sh. Scan: H7K30050-2008PotteryFront
Suggested Citation

Douglas R Clark, Larry G Herr. (2025) "Locus H-7K30-050 from Asia/Jordan/Tall al-Umayri/Field H/Square 7K30". In Madaba Plains Project-`Umayri. Douglas R Clark, Larry G Herr (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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Required Attribution: Citation and reference of URIs (hyperlinks)