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Daily Log
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
Work began in Locus 4 , in the seemingly rockless northern area of the trench, north of the E-W running rock line that divides Loci 4 and 5 . Here, hand picks and trowels were used to lower the locus 5cm and level it, in order to see if the linear rock feature is composed of stacked stones, indicating intentional placement, or if the rocks extend to the north. While troweling in the eastern meters of the trench, more larger stones were found, continuing the E-W running linear rock feature. Additionally, in the W meters of the locus, more larger rocks were found continuing the line to the west and these are bordered to the south by a dense packing of smaller rocks. Soil is a medium yellowish brown in color and claylike in texture, with low quantities of tile but slightly more pottery and bone than in the previous loci. Soil is hand sorted directly in the trench into buckets and 1 in 3 buckets are dry sieved. While troweling, a diagnostic bone fragment (Find #1) was recovered, as well as a sherd of incised pottery (Find #2), and a burnt bone fragment (Find #3).
Special finds:
Find #1
28.93m A.E.
Diagnostic bone
Find #2
28.91m A.E.
Incised pottery
Find #3
28.96m A.E.
Burnt bone
Work continued this afternoon by continuing to lower the elevation of Locus 4 and to level the surface. Once this was accomplished, the linear, E-W running rock feature, was shown to extend to both the east and west in a straight line; in the eastern portion of the trench, the rocks are larger but spaced approximately 15cm apart while in the eastern part of the trench, the rocks are smaller but more densely packed. Soil continues to be medium yellowish-brown in color and claylike in texture, with little tile but some tile and pottery recovered. Additionally, a piece of slipped pottery (Find #4) was found.
Once the surface of Locus 4 was lowered and the rock line revealed, it was decided to remove approximately 5-10cm of soil from Locus 5 , to determine if the east-west running rock line is clearly delineated on its southern side and to clarify the shape of the larger rock feature to the south. Soil is excavated using hand picks and trowels and is medium yellowish-brown in color and claylike in texture. Soil continues to be hand sorted directly into buckets in the trench, with 1 in 3 buckets dry sieved. Little tile but more pottery and bone was found, as well as a sherd of fluted pottery (Find #5). Closing elevations for Locus 4 for the day were taken.
Closing elevations: Locus 4
NW corner: 28.85m A.E.
NE corner: 28.91m A.E.
SE corner: 28.92m A.E.
SW corner: 28.80m A.E.
Special finds:
Find #4
28.91m A.E.
Fluted pottery
20140047 20140047
Find #5
28.90m A.E.
Fluted pottery
Locus 4 :
Tile: 1/5 bowl, 3 fragments in sieve
Pottery: 59 sherds, 1 in sieve
Bone: 8 fragments
Locus 5 :
Tile: 17 fragments
Pottery: 8 sherds
Bone: 2 fragments
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Document Type | Trench Book Entry |
Trench Book Entry Date | 2014-07-16 |
Entry Year | 2014 |
Start Page | 119 |
End Page | 126 |
Title | Daily Log |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
Katharine R. Kreindler. (2017) "KRK VII (2014-07-16):119-126; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 59/2014, ID:676/Locus 4". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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