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Date: 14-Aug-97
Weather: sunny, clear, some wind
Number of Workers: 2
Lots Open: 1513, 1514, 1515
Page Reference: 158

STRATEGY: 1. Continue excavation of 1513. 2. Explore 1514 and 1515.

SUMMARY: 1. Completed removing 2nd spit of 1513 and then removed 3rd spit of c. 5cm with big pick. The small stones that began to appear by the eastern section yesterday came to nothing. There is no coherant structure and they sit on soil. They are to be removed on the next day of excavation and a subsequent spit to be taken off. Finds included a stone bowl fragment and a perforated pot disc (lots of pottery: 3 large bags). 2. Took down 2 x 5cm spits from 1514 and 1515. 1514 appears to sit within 1513. Finds include pot, bone, flint and a stone bowl fragment. 1515 has a packed stone and pot surface to its east, outside the pit f603, which appears in the south section and which was the reason for delineating 1515. 1515 appears to be below the pit and consist of much pottery in large fragments, including complete profiles. Both 1514 and 1515 to be finished on the next day of excavation. 1515 also contains a stone bowl fragment.
Suggested Citation

Amanda Kennedy. (2006) "Log for: 685N / 405E (14-Aug-97) from Asia/Turkey/Domuztepe/IV/Lot 1513". In Domuztepe Excavations. Elizabeth Carter, Stuart Campbell (Ed). Released: 2006-02-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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