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Daily Log

Thursday July 3, 2014


Work began by excavating the northern 2/3 of the trench using hand picks and trowels, in order to fully expose the extent of the rocks exposed yesterday. Some smaller rocks were found throughout the central meters of the trench, apparently extending as far north as the larger rocks previously exposed around 40.5S. These larger rocks appear to extend in a rough line running east-west, although at this point it is unclear whether any rocks extend to the north, beyond the larger rocks. Soil continues to be medium brown in color and claylike in texture, with few materials recovered. Soil is sorted directly into buckets in the trench. While sorting soil in the northern meters of the trench, a large bone fragment (Find #1) was found.

While handpicking and troweling around the large northern rocks, it appeared that these rocks extend in a line running roughly east-west across the trench. Also, in the western 50cm of the trench, the larger rocks change to a dense concentrations of smaller rocks that form a level surface and continue the line. Therefore, the trench will be extended 2m to the west, to determine whether this is an architectural feature. Before extending though, the northern

meters of the trench will be lowered approximately 3-5cm, in order to determine if rocks extend to the north of the apparent east-west running rock line. While troweling to the east of the exposed northern line of rocks, some smaller rocks were found and they appeared to be resting in a yellower soil. Soil was hand sorted directly into buckets in the trench. Little tile and pottery was found but some bone was recovered. From now on, all diagnostic bone fragments preserving a proximal or distal end will be special found. While troweling south of the northern rock line, an odd bone or possible antler fragment (Fine #2) was found, and while troweling in the same area, it was revealed that the northern rock line continues to the east with a packing of smaller rocks forming a level surface, similar to the western continuation of the rock line.

Special finds:

\xb7 Special find #1

\xb7 Locus 1

\xb7 93.29E/39.97S

\xb7 28.88m A.E.

\xb7 Bone fragment


\xb7 Special find #2

\xb7 Locus 1

\xb7 94.48E/41.18S

\xb7 28.82m A.E.

\xb7 Bone or antler fragment


\xb7 Special find #3

\xb7 Locus 1

\xb7 94.71E/40.53S

\xb7 28.90m A.E.

\xb7 Ridged pottery



Work continued in the afternoon by continuing to lower the northern meters, in order to determine if the southern rocks extend to the northern, east-west running rock line, and if this seemingly linear arrangement of rocks in fact continues to the north. Hand axes and trowels were used to excavate these areas. Soil remains medium brown in color and claylike, with only a few small rocks appearing to the north of the line of rocks. Soil is hand sorted directly into buckets in the trench and little tile or pottery was

found, but one animal tooth (Find #4) was recovered.

Once the elevation of the northern meters of the trench was brought low enough to determine that there are no rocks in this area and that the east-west running line of rocks is cleanly delineated, at least on its north side, it was decided to extend the trench 2m to the west, in order to determine if the line of rocks continues to the west. The new NW corner was already established, as it is the SW corner of T58, and the new SW corner was triangulated. The area was cleared, opening photos and elevations taken, and Locus 2 was declared open throughout the western extension; it is equivalent to Locus 1 topsoil.

Opening elevations: Locus 2

\xb7 NW corner (91E/39S): 29.08m A.E.

\xb7 NE corner (93E/39S): 29.15m A.E.

\xb7 SE corner (93E/43S): 28.69m A.E.

\xb7 SW corner (91E/43S): 28.52m A.E.

A small pick pass of the northern quarter of Locus 2 was made. Soil is a very dark brown and loamy humus layer, heavy with grass and tree roots, and overlies the same brown, claylike soil of Locus 1 . Soil is hand sorted directly in the trench into buckets and hardly any materials were found.

Closing elevations for the day were taken in Locus 1 .

Special Finds:

\xb7 Find #4

\xb7 Locus 1

\xb7 40.93S/94.16E

\xb7 28.83m A.E.

\xb7 Animal tooth


Closing elevations: Locus 1

\xb7 NW corner (93E/39S): 28.92m A.E.

\xb7 NE corner (95E/39S): 28.97m A.E.

\xb7 SE corner (95E/43S): 28.68m A.E.

\xb7 SW corner (93E/43S): 28.69m A.E.

Locus 1 :

\xb7 Tile: 1/5 bowl

\xb7 Pottery: 29 sherds

\xb7 Bone: 8 fragments

Locus 2 :

\xb7 Tile: 1 fragment

\xb7 Pottery: 0 sherds

\xb7 Bone: 0 fragments

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
KRK VII info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Katharine R. Kreindler info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Katharine R. Kreindler. (2017) "KRK VII (2014-07-03):47-60; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 59/2014, ID:676/Locus 1". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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