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Daily Log

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Work began with a pick pass of nearly all of Locus 6 , stopping at the line of rocks running roughly E-W across the trench. Soil is a medium dark, yellowish brown color and is claylike in texture and contains some small rocks and tree roots. Soil is shoveled into buckets and sorted over the wheelbarrow. A fair amount of tile, pottery, and some bone was found, as well as some bronze flakes, which will be bulk found. Additionally, while picking, an incised ceramic rim (Find#1), a spindle whorl (Find #2), and an odd fragment of terracotta (Find #4) were found, and a piece of iron slag (Find #3) was recovered while sorting over the wheelbarrow.

A second pick pass was made of the locus, once again moving from north to south and stopping at the linear rock feature running E-W across the trench. Soil is medium yellowish-brown in color and claylike, with many small rocks and roots. Soil is shoveled into buckets and sorted over the wheelbarrow; a fair amount of tile, pottery, and bone was found and three more pieces of slag were recovered when sorting over the wheelbarrow (Finds #5, 6, 7).

A third pick pass was made of the locus, moving north to south and stopping at the E-W running line of rocks. While picking, some larger rocks were felt beneath the surface, although at this point it is unclear whether such rocks are scatter or may be part of a feature. Soil continues to be medium yellowish brown and claylike, with

smaller rocks and roots. Soil continues to be shoveled into buckets and sorted over the wheelbarrow. A fair amount of tile, pottery, and bone was recovered while sorting but while picking, a fifth fragment of iron slag (Find #8) and a sherd of slipped pottery (Find #9) were found. As five pieces of slag have been found in this locus, iron slag shall now be bulk found. Additionally, an iron nail (Find #10), a bronze fragment (Find #11), and a large piece of iron slag (Find #12) were found.

A fourth pick pass was made of the locus, once again beginning in the north and moving south, as far as the line of rocks. Soil continues to be medium yellowish brown and claylike, with roots and small rocks. A fair amount of tile, pottery, and bone was recovered from this pick pass, with soil being shoveled into buckets and sorted over the wheelbarrow.

A fifth pick pass was begun, starting in the northern half of the locus. While the pick pass was being done, a possible rocchetto fragment (Find #13) and a ridged impasto rim (Find #14) were found in the pottery box. Soil from the pick pass was shoveled into buckets and sorted over the wheelbarrow. A fair amount of tile and pottery was found, including a ridged impasto rim (Find #15).

Special Finds:

\xb7 Find #1

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 54.92E/37.20S

\xb7 27.21m A.E.

\xb7 Incised rim sherd

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #2

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 54.51E/37.87S

\xb7 27.09m A.E.

\xb7 Spindle whorl

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #3

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 54-56E/36-38S

\xb7 27.05-27.25m A.E.

\xb7 Iron slag

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #4

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 54.47E/36.89S

\xb7 27.21m A.E.

\xb7 Odd terracotta

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #5

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 Wheelbarrow find

\xb7 54-56E/36-38S

\xb7 27.21-27.06m A.E.

\xb7 Iron slag

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #6

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 Wheelbarrow find

\xb7 54-56S/36-38S

\xb7 27.21-27.06m A.E.

\xb7 Iron slag

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #7

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 Wheelbarrow find

\xb7 54-56E/36-38S

\xb7 27.21-27.06m A.E.

\xb7 Iron slag

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #8

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 55.05E/36.49S

\xb7 27.18m A.E.

\xb7 Iron slag

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #9

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 55.35E/36.76S

\xb7 27.16m A.E.

\xb7 Slipped pottery

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #10

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 54.98E/36.07S

\xb7 27.21m A.E.

\xb7 Iron nail

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #11

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 55.76E/38.33S

\xb7 27.06m A.E.

\xb7 Bronze fragment

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #12

\xb7 Locus 6

Wheelbarrow find

\xb7 54-56E/36-38S

\xb7 27.21-27.06m A.E.

\xb7 Iron slag

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #13

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 Pottery box find

\xb7 54-56E/36-39S

\xb7 27.21-27.06m A.E.

\xb7 Possible rocchetto fragment



\xb7 Find #14

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 Pottery box find

\xb7 54-56E/36-39S

\xb7 27.21-27.06m A.E.

\xb7 Incised rim

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #15

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 Wheelbarrow find

\xb7 54-56E/36-37S

\xb7 27.21-27.15m A.E.

\xb7 Ridged impasto rim

\xb7 Drawing


The remainder of the morning's last pick pass was cleaned up and sorted over the wheelbarrow. While sorting, a sherd of bucchero with a raised bump (Find #16) was recovered.

Another pick pass was made, once again moving from north to south, stopping at the line of rocks running E-W across the trench. While picking, two large fragments of iron slag (Finds #17, 18) were recovered. Soil continued to be yellowish brown in color and claylike in texture, with a noticeable carbon presence in the north of the locus and more large, intact fragments of tile and pottery throughout the locus. Soil was shoveled into buckets and sorted over the wheelbarrow, with a fairly high amount of tile and pottery and slag found.

A seventh pick pass was made of the locus, once again moving from north to south and stopping at the linear rock feature. While picking, a large coarseware base with an interior lip (Find #19) was recovered. Soil continues to be medium yellowish brown and claylike, with some carbon, especially in the northern meters of the locus. Soil was shoveled into buckets and sorted over the wheelbarrow and some tile but high quantities of pottery and bone were recovered. The attachment point of a bucchero strap handle was found in a pottery box.

Once soil from the pick pass was cleaned up, the lip that had formed between CA 83 and CA 80 was removed using handpicks. Soil was troweled into buckets and sorted over the wheelbarrow. Closing elevations for the day were taken.

Closing elevations:

\xb7 NW corner: 27.18m A.E.

\xb7 NE corner: 27.07m A.E.

\xb7 SE corner: 26.75m A.E.

\xb7 SW corner: 26.81m A.E.

Special Finds:

\xb7 Find #16

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 Wheelbarrow find

\xb7 54-56E/36-39S

\xb7 27.21-27.06m A.E.

\xb7 Bucchero with raised bump

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #17

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 54.45E/37.41S

\xb7 27.11m A.E.

\xb7 Iron slag

\xb7 Drawing


\xb7 Find #18

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 55.61E/37.87S

\xb7 27.07m A.E.

\xb7 Iron slag

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #19

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 55.44E/38.35S

\xb7 27.01m A.E.

\xb7 Base with internal lip

\xb7 Drawing

\xb7 Find #20

\xb7 Locus 6

\xb7 Pottery box find

\xb7 54-56E/36-39S

\xb7 xxx m A.E.

\xb7 Bucchero strap handle attachment

\xb7 Drawing

Locus 6:

\xb7 Tile: \xbe bowl

\xb7 Pottery: 259 sherds

\xb7 Bone: 19 fragments

\xb7 Bronze: 6 fragments

\xb7 Slag: 34 fragments

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
KRK VI info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Katharine R. Kreindler info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Katharine R. Kreindler. (2017) "KRK VI (2013-07-23):119-134; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate A/Civitate A83/2013, ID:671/Locus 3". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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