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Daily Log

July 24, 1989

J/84-85 were brought down to the level of the tile fall in K/84.  Here the tiles rise up (and perhaps out of the possible drainage channel.  Many tile exist in J/84-85 and these may be associated w/ the fall.  However, large amounts of tiles have been found in these meters at much higher levels as well.  A tree in J/85 was cleaned around in preparation for its removal.

Tiles in K-L/84-85 were lifted.  No complete width or length was found in cover or pan tile.  Tiles hare are roughly as high as the large pan tile in M/85 was.  The proposed dranage channel would run in between.

In cleaning L-M/82 further, more burned wood was encountered.  Pottery fragments were found here as well, but not in abundance.  This burn layer is characterized by black/grey soil, burned wood, and blackened tile.

The tree in J/85 was removed.  The soil below it was considerably higher than the trench floor around it.  This was cleared down.  A few ivory fragments came up and pottery too


  • Find #3
  • J/83
  • 95 cm
  • Rocchetto


  • Find #4
  • J/83
  • Rocchetto

J-K/84-85 produced 4 cassette of tile.  At the depth of the tile fall, tiles were left in place.

J/82 was taken down to 95 cm below surface.  This cut takes the meter down to the burn layer; soil is grey/black.  A moderate amount of pottery, some bone, and very little tile came out of this cut.  This cut moved into J/83, where one rocchetto was found.  A handle of a coarse pot was also found.  Pottery became more abundant in J/83.


95 cm cut continued in J/83.  Half of this meter yielded 1 1/4 latte boxes of pottery, including one piece of painted pottery. Oe rocchetto fragment came up as well.

The burned wood in L/82 was lifted.  Pottery and bone continue to be found among the burn layer soil.

J/83 produced 2 1/2 latte boxes of pottery by day's end.


  • Find #6
  • L/82
  • Burned Wood
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MW V info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Matthew Wilcox info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Matthew Wilcox. (2017) "MW V (1989-07-24):244-251; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 26/1989, ID:430". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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