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Wednesday, 6 July 2022


Opening Elevations

NE: 28.59  m.A.E

SE: 28.64  m.A.E

SW: 28.64  m.A.E

NW: 28.61  m.A.E

Excavation continues in Locus 1 with a pick pass in the western-most 0.5 m of the trench which was not excavated the day before. After this is completed, another pick pass is begun in the east moving west. Soil continues to be hand-sorted and disposed of in buckets. Handpicks are used around large trunks and rocks. Soil is compact and dark brown. Many small roots are clipped and a similar distribution, amount, and size of small rocks are uncovered as in the first layer of soil removed. Trowels begin to be used to help level the surface, scrapping back to the west as soil is sorted. Brushes are used to clear the surface. Root rot has discolored the soil an ashy white in the SW and SE corners. More clay-rich and lighter brown deposits of soil are found in small clumps throughout the eastern half of the trench and around the large rocks near the eastern baulk, which may continue as pick passes continue to the west. These rocks are defined with trowels and handpicks. Very little material is recovered.


Excavation continues moving west. Medium-sized stones (approximately 10-15 cm) are beginning to be revealed in the southwestern quadrant of the trench, which are left in place and articulated. Two roughly parallel, linear arrangements of stones are uncovered and articulated with handpicks and trowling. The arrangement is located on a diagonal SW-NE line, approximately 1 ½ m from the eastern balk and 1 m from the northern. Excavation has extended 4 m west from the eastern balk, with the western-most 1 m remaining. The entire trench is swept and clipped.

Closing Elevations

NE: 28.60  m.A.E

SE: 28.60  m.A.E

SW: 28.63  m.A.E

NW: 28.59  m.A.E

Total Count

Terra cotta: 16 

Pottery: 1

Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2024) "CA91-2022 (2022-07-06):31-35; excavation from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate A/Civitate A91/CA91 2022". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <>

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