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Daily Log

Monday, July 7 2014


Work continued in Locus 2 , in the western extension of the trench. Handpicks and trowels were used to reveal and define rocks. To the west of the northern linear rock feature, more smaller rocks were found, but similar rocks were also found in the northern meters of the trench, so it is unclear whether these rocks are delineated or form a clear line. More smaller rocks were found further south and a bedrock shelf was found running E-W across the locus, app. 1.6m from the southern wall of the trench. Soil continues to be medium brown in color and claylike in texture and is sorted by hand directly into buckets in the trench. Few materials were found but two fragments of slag (Finds #1, 2) were recovered.

A pick pass was made in the southern half of the trench, south of the exposed bedrock shelf. Some large rocks were felt just to the south of the bedrock shelf at a lower elevation and soil continues to be medium brown and claylike. Soil is hand sorted directly into buckets in the trench and only a small amount of tile and pottery were found, but

two sherds of medieval pottery (Finds #3, 4) and a large piece of possible slag (Find #5) were recovered.

Hand picks and trowels were used to excavate the northern half of the trench, in order to better expose and define any rocks. Continuing west from the northern line of rocks, small rocks continue to be found but seem to fork to the north and south, with no rocks found due west of the rock line in the westernmost meters of the trench. Additionally, small rocks forking to the south from the northern rock line meet up with the exposed bedrock shelf, forming a continuously rocky surface. To the south of the exposed bedrock, some more large rocks were found.

Special Finds:

\xb7 Find #1

\xb7 Locus 2

\xb7 92.48E/40.84S

\xb7 28.81m A.E.

\xb7 Slag


\xb7 Find #2

\xb7 Locus 2

\xb7 92.38E/42.20S

\xb7 28.68m A.E.

\xb7 Slag


\xb7 Find #3

\xb7 Locus 2

\xb7 91.09E/41.80S

\xb7 28.60m A.E.

\xb7 Medieval pottery


\xb7 Find #4

\xb7 Locus 2

\xb7 91.40E/41.63S

\xb7 28.63m A.E.

\xb7 Medieval pottery


\xb7 Find #5

\xb7 Locus 2

\xb7 91.45E/40.85S

\xb7 28.76m A.E.

\xb7 Possible slag fragment



Work continued by excavating the southern half of the trench with hand picks and trowels, in order to better expose and define any rocks present. Some more medium-sized rocks were found immediately south of the the bedrock and in the western portion

of the trench, these new rocks appear to lie in a new lighter, yellowish brown soil; although more rocks were exposed in the eastern part of the locus, this new soil has not yet been found in the east. In the southernmost part of the locus, no rocks have been found yet and soil continues to be brown and claylike. Soil continued to be hand-sorted directly into buckets in the trench and few materials were recovered, but another piece of slag (Find #6) and a fragment of vitrified terracotta (Find #7) were found.

As we excavated away the bedrock shelf, pushing south, more large rocks resting in the new yellowish-brown soil were found, and as these rocks are in soil, they do not appear to be part of the exposed bedrock. in the SW corner, no rocks have yet been found and soil remains medium brown and claylike. Soil was hand-sorted directly into buckets and few materials were found. Closing elevations for the day were taken.

Special Finds:

\xb7 Find #6

\xb7 Locus 2

\xb7 91.11E/40.97S

\xb7 28.67m A.E.

\xb7 Possible slag


\xb7 Find #7

\xb7 Locus 2

\xb7 91.09E/42.30S

\xb7 28.56m A.E.

\xb7 Vitrified terracotta


Closing elevations: Locus 2

\xb7 NW coerner (91E/39S): 28.87m A.E.

\xb7 NE corner (93E/39S): 28.96m A.E.

\xb7 SE corner (93E/43S): 28.61m A.E.

\xb7 SW corner: 91E/39S): 28.47m A.E.

Locus 2

\xb7 Tile: 1/5 bowl

\xb7 Pottery: 33 sherds

\xb7 Bone: 2 fragments

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
KRK VII info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Katharine R. Kreindler info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Katharine R. Kreindler. (2017) "KRK VII (2014-07-07):69-78; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 59/2014, ID:676/Locus 1". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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