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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Site Number 220
Name KM 220
Site Name Unnamed Site
Description Unnamed site
Survey Date 1994-09-20
Survey Year 1994
Collectors (Initials) EC,GM,SC,MK,NK
Map sheet no. N37-b2
Grid Location EW 13.4
Grid Location NS 40.7
Height 0.0
Diameter 10.0
Site Size (2) 0.0078539816
Local Landmarks Railway and Esheikhamza to s. in middle of plowed field
Site Description Pot drop, several broken vessels and slight soil discoloration with about 50 body sherds and some stones, photo28
Survey Conditions(include time spent on site) Good but heavily plowed
Collection Comments Probably just a pot drop. but aside from one heavy grit-tempered red ware base looks earlier than Medieval, no diagnostics, no handles, could be spread from EBA site 221 not too far away
Collection Summary Sherd count
Middle Bronze Age note one piece of interior brushed (orange int/grey ext) so a possible 2nd mill hint, but the rest is not helpful (LS 9-98)
Subregion Central Valley
Neolithic False
Halaf, Ubaid, Uruk False
Chalcolithic False
Early Bronze False
Early Bronze, Middle Bronze False
Middle Bronze True
Late Bronze False
Iron Age False
Hellenistic, Roman False
Medieval False
Suggested Citation

Elizabeth Carter. (2025) "KM 220 from Asia/Turkey/Kahramanmaraş Survey Area". In Kahramanmaraş Survey. Elizabeth Carter (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <>

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