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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Fabric Category Ivory
Object Type Ornament::Plaque
Motif Lotus
Year Excavated 1971
Decorative Technique Incised
Fragment Noted false
Object Type (notes) Ivory Plaque
Size Max. Pres. Lenght 0.039 m, Max. Pres. Width 0.018 m, Max. Pres. Thickness 0.003 m
Condition Restored from three fragments; broken at both ends; worn and slightly encrusted.
Description Ivory plaque, rectangular in cross section, preserving both lateral edges, apparently part of long rectagular plaque, smooth on the back and on the edges, with incised decoration on the front; decoration consisits of two horizontal grooves running parallel and 0.001 m from each edge; between the grooves there is a stylized lotus pattern, alternating with tops up or down and connected by curved lines. This fragment preserves traces of a round hole in the middle of one lotus, presumably the place of attachment.
Fabric Description Ivory
Has note
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Object Master Grid
EW (x) NS (y) Depth (z) Elev. (z)
143.318 11.24
Object Coordinate Notes Stratum D
Local Grid (X) 3.0
Local Grid (Y) C
Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2012) "PC 19710653 from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro Rectangle/Tesoro Rectangle 8/1971, ID:286". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2012-12-28. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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