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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Site Number 183
Name KM 183
GPS True
Description An Dami (Soğuk pınar)
Site Name Arı Dami Soğuk Pinar
Survey Date 1994-09-07
Survey Year 1994
Collectors (Initials) EC,GM,BB,HK
Map sheet no. M37-c4
Grid Location EW 105.0
Grid Location NS 615.0
Height 15.0
Length 90.0
Width 150.0
Site Size (1) 1.35
Local Landmarks Next to eggplant field along same line of powerline as 182, sloping plateau above river runoff and dried wadi to the SW. Located along sharply sloping wadi banks, notation (ambiguous) of "rock built" graves.
Site Description Sloping hill rising to north with wheat stalks scattered around. Not many sherds visible on surface. Hill slope promontory site over looking river channels into the Aksu, some Hellenistic/Roman traces also some EBA pottery, good place for nomads sheep/goats transhumance road
Survey Conditions(include time spent on site) Good visibility--some wheat/straw
Collection Comments Some clear Islamic, hellenistic-Late Roman but there may be earlier stuff as well especially EBA, flints also indicate this.
Collection Summary Sherd count Flint count Ground Stone Roof Tiles
Flint count 3
Obsidian count 1
Handles count 5
Chalcolithic note SC 9-98 noted some Chalco
Early Bronze Age plain note possible plain fine
Early Bronze Age decorated note Brittle orange
Iron Age note Few platter suggestions but none pulled for IA (poss id'd as Chalco by SC 9-98) (Attribution removed by LSD with EFC 6-03)
Hellenistic Late Roman note Grooved or ridge-rim amphorae, Hellenistic fine ware, rope impressions--pithoi sherds, but nothing completely convincing ec
Medieval note glazed, one frag. scraffiato, one base with blue glaze interior, painted jar neck should be identifiable; Donald Whitcomb confirms Islamic (2001)
Subregion Nothern Valley
Neolithic False
Halaf, Ubaid, Uruk False
Chalcolithic True
Early Bronze True
Early Bronze, Middle Bronze False
Middle Bronze False
Late Bronze False
Iron Age False
Hellenistic, Roman True
Medieval True
Suggested Citation

Elizabeth Carter. (2025) "KM 183 from Asia/Turkey/Kahramanmaraş Survey Area". In Kahramanmaraş Survey. Elizabeth Carter (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <>

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