Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Locus ID | A7K42:056 |
(Legacy ID: _id) | a302eb3a6da4e8bad46a29ab05229a78 |
(Legacy ID: _rev) | 15-7614fafa65e974353a1a13e12077c3b3 |
Square | 7K42 |
Code | 056 |
Designation | Earth beneath Surf 52 |
Field | A |
Locus type | Earth |
Area | A |
Start season | 1992 |
End season | 1992 |
Start date | 1992-07-20 |
Bottom separation | Clear |
Created at | 2010-07-05 |
Top separation | Clear |
Updated at | 2010-07-31 |
Reason | Less friable/difference in color |
End date | 1992-07-22 |
Supervisor | D. Herr |
Function | Unknown |
Architecture | 0 |
State | Approved |
Stratigraphic relations |
Clean locus | False |
Age (period) | Iron 1 |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Munsell # | 10YR 5/6 |
Texture | Sandy Clay Loam-Silty Clay Loam |
Hardness | Loose |
Compression Degree 1 | Somewhat |
Compression Description 1 | Firm |
Wetness Degree | Somewhat |
Wetness Description | Moist |
Structure | Random |
Soil Distribution | Random |
Glass (Count) | 0 |
Tesserae (Count) | 0 |
Tabun Fragment (Count) | 0 |
Brick Fragment (Count) | 0 |
Roof Tile (Count) | 0 |
Worked Stone (Count) | 0 |
Burnt Stone (Count) | 0 |
Architectural Number (Count) | 0 |
Length | 0.0 |
Width | 0.0 |
Lower Depth | 0.0 |
Upper Depth | 0.0 |
Direction | 0.0 |
Slope | 0.0 |
Earth Remarks | Quit at an ash layer in N, but in S, there was no ash; there were lensing surfaces, most evident under the N part of Wall 36 (in the sub balk formed by this wall) |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Suggested Citation
Douglas R Clark, Larry G Herr. (2025) "Locus A-7K42-056 from Asia/Jordan/Tall al-Umayri/Field A/Square 7K42". In Madaba Plains Project-`Umayri. Douglas R Clark, Larry G Herr (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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