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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Locus ID A7K72:004
(Legacy ID: _id) 855668fdff564411316340c1ff8004df
(Legacy ID: _rev) 15-d9cf63da25061df11242e3d176022b62
Square 7K72
Code 004
Designation E-W wall W of Wall 3
Field A
Locus type Architecture
Area A
Start season 1989
End season 1994
Start date 1989-07-10
Created at 2010-07-05
Updated at 2010-07-31
Stratigraphy remarks Similar to Wall 3; bonds to Wall 4; with earlier surfaces poss below, since the bottom course has not been revealed for certain; L 15 (suface?) seems to enter the doorway & pass through to the other side (S)
Reason Stones in a line
End date 1994-06-20
Supervisor E. Swiniarska
Function Formed a corner with Wall 3 & doorway for a surface to N & poss a surface to S; less substantial than Wall 3; it appears that later it may have fallen, been rebuilt & fallen again, with the doorway blocked intentionally to form a solid "wall" between Walls 3 & 6, separating the once-connected rooms; prob part of a wealthy person's house
Architecture 0
State Approved
Top plan 3
Stratigraphic relations
Clean locus False
Age (period) Late Iron 2
L. Sh. Scan: A7K72004-1994ArchitectureFront
L. Sh. Scan: A7K72004-1989ArchitectureFront
L. Sh. Scan: A7K72004-1994ArchitectureBack
L. Sh. Scan: A7K72004-1989ArchitectureBack
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Limestone Quality Decayed
Limestone (%) 90.0
Chert Quality Hard
Chert (%) 10.0
Basalt (%) 0.0
Nari (%) 0.0
Mudbrick (%) 0.0
Other (%) 0.0
Wall Cobble 10.0
Wall Small Boulders 90.0
Wall Medium Boulders 0.0
Wall Large Boulders 0.0
Wall Very Large Boulders 0.0
Chink Pebble 35.0
Chink Cobble 65.0
Chink (%) 0.0
Fill Cobble 90.0
Fill Small Boulders 10.0
Fill Medium Boulders 0.0
Fill Large Boulders 0.0
Fill Very Large Boulders 0.0
Brick Lower Length 0.0
Brick Upper Length 0.0
Brick Lower Width 0.0
Brick Upper Width 0.0
Brick Lower Depth 0.0
Brick Upper Depth 0.0
Unhewn 100
Semi-Hewn 0
Dressed 0.0
Ashlar 0.0
Bossed 0.0
Tool Lower Width 0
Tool Lower Length 0
Tool Upper Width 0
Sketch False
Photo False
Dry Laid 100.0
Clay 0.0
Mud 0.0
Cement 0.0
Plaster 0.0
Lime 0.0
Average Thickness 0.0
Facing Unfaced
Tendencies Wall seems less strong than Wall 3
Course Lower 5.0
Course Upper 0.0
Course Random 0.0
Row Lower 2.0
Row Upper 3.0
Measured Length 1.25
Measured Lower Width 0.800000012
Measured Upper Width 0.850000024
Measured Lower Height 1.60000002
Measured Upper Height 0.0
Orientation 106.0
Dip 12.0
Preservation Partial Superstructure: Most
Lean Direction 196.0
Lean Degrees 2.0
Top Found 914.190002
Remarks Slumps toward th E as all walls in the square; some of the apparent blockage of Wall 5 was actually part of the E end of Wall 4 which may have fallen into the doorway & then been rebuilt
Construction Style Boulder & Chink
Construction Style (Note) Boulder & Chink
Construction Support Bonded
Suggested Citation

Douglas R Clark, Larry G Herr. (2024) "Locus A-7K72-004 from Asia/Jordan/Tall al-Umayri/Field A/Square 7K72". In Madaba Plains Project-`Umayri. Douglas R Clark, Larry G Herr (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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