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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Site Number 89
Name KM 89
Description ?/
Site Name Unnamed Site
Survey Date 1993-10-18
Survey Year 1993
Collectors (Initials) All
Map sheet no. 37SCB(N38-a4)
Grid Location EW 260.0
Grid Location NS 318.0
Height 4.0
Diameter 70.0
Site Size (2) 0.3848451001
Local Landmarks Canal, single tree, near Altintash
Setting Fields surround
Site Description Low rise in middle of plain between 2 small canals, extensive earth moving, no visible feature, photo 9-8 to N.--site of shepherd with pipes, 9-9 to east, 9-10 to south, 9-11 to site from 90 (Küçükhoyuk). Note that this iste was formerly called Küçükhoyuk - which was incorrect. KM 90 has that name (LDS 4 Aug 96).
Survey Conditions(include time spent on site) Poor recent migrant camp has created a lot of grey dust that covers, sherds, general collection. Revisited on 12 Sept 95. SIte has not been plowed recently, no chg in conditions since orig survey. One small bag of ceramics collected.
Collection Summary Sherd count
Early Bronze Age decorated note red burnished platter
Medieval note handle looks late
Subregion Southeastern Valley
Neolithic False
Halaf, Ubaid, Uruk False
Chalcolithic False
Early Bronze True
Early Bronze, Middle Bronze False
Middle Bronze False
Late Bronze False
Iron Age False
Hellenistic, Roman False
Medieval True
Suggested Citation

Elizabeth Carter. (2025) "KM 89 from Asia/Turkey/Kahramanmaraş Survey Area". In Kahramanmaraş Survey. Elizabeth Carter (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <>

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