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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Locus ID F6L98:004
(Legacy ID: _id) 6f3dc758c27bc9655efc43ff5e8c4ac5
(Legacy ID: _rev) 15-ff04559bb3f1d964a63a6486004757c8
Square 6L98
Code 004
Designation E-W wall
Field F
Locus type Architecture
Area F
Start season 1987
End season 1987
Start date 1987-06-29
Bottom separation Very Clear
Created at 2010-07-05
Top separation Clear
Updated at 2010-07-31
Stratigraphy remarks The most major terrace wall, used with Walls 6, 14 & 19; was built after 14/19 7 at least one of 14/19's stones was removed to build 4; the stone was replaced by a large boulder; at juncture of walls, 4 has more courses & becomes Wall 46 perhaps to compensate for drop off caused by the original wall 14/19
Reason Stones in a line
End date 1987-07-29
Supervisor D. Herr
Function Terrace wall; prob source of much of our tumble
Architecture 0
State Approved
Stratigraphic relations
Clean locus False
Age (period) Persian
Drawn balks West
L. Sh. Scan: F6L98004-1987ArchitectureBack
L. Sh. Scan: F6L98004-1987ArchitectureFront
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Limestone Quality Hard
Limestone (%) 100.0
Chert (%) 0.0
Basalt (%) 0.0
Nari (%) 0.0
Mudbrick (%) 0.0
Other (%) 0.0
Wall Cobble 0.0
Wall Small Boulders 60.0
Wall Medium Boulders 25.0
Wall Large Boulders 15.0
Wall Very Large Boulders 0.0
Chink Pebble 25.0
Chink Cobble 75.0
Chink (%) 0.0
Fill Cobble 0.0
Fill Small Boulders 0.0
Fill Medium Boulders 0.0
Fill Large Boulders 0.0
Fill Very Large Boulders 0.0
Brick Lower Length 0.0
Brick Upper Length 0.0
Brick Lower Width 0.0
Brick Upper Width 0.0
Brick Lower Depth 0.0
Brick Upper Depth 0.0
Unhewn 0
Semi-Hewn 100
Dressed 0.0
Ashlar 0.0
Bossed 0.0
Tool Lower Width 0
Tool Lower Length 0
Tool Upper Width 0
Sketch False
Photo False
Dry Laid 100.0
Clay 0.0
Mud 0.0
Cement 0.0
Plaster 0.0
Lime 0.0
Average Thickness 0.0
Facing Unfaced
Tendencies Larger boulders in lower course.
Course Lower 2.0
Course Upper 3.0
Course Random 0.0
Row Lower 0.0
Row Upper 1.0
Measured Length 3.20000005
Measured Lower Width 0.389999986
Measured Upper Width 0.550000012
Measured Lower Height 0.629999995
Measured Upper Height 0.899999976
Orientation 82.0
Dip 18.0
Preservation Partial Superstructure: Little
Lean Direction 0.0
Lean Degrees 0.0
Top Found 0.0
Remarks Cannot be sure about the preservation since we really don't know how high it might have originally been, but much thought has gone on due to the large amount of tumble in square; many large animanl bones & pieces of pottery found in/under wall; prob contamination from Surf 24
Construction Style Boulder & Chink
Construction Style (Note) Boulder & Chink
Construction Support Free-standing
Suggested Citation

Douglas R Clark, Larry G Herr. (2024) "Locus F-6L98-004 from Asia/Jordan/Tall al-Umayri/Field F/Square 6L98". In Madaba Plains Project-`Umayri. Douglas R Clark, Larry G Herr (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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