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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Site Number 211
Name KM 211
Description Basalt site
Site Name Unnamed Site
Survey Date 1994-09-15
Survey Year 1994
Collectors (Initials) NK,EC,GM,HT,MK
Map sheet no. N38-a1
Grid Location EW 330.0
Grid Location NS 485.0
Height 34.0
Diameter 110.0
Site Size (2) 0.9503317777
Local Landmarks Electric line, 200m s.e., spring at foot
Setting Pepper, wheat, oak, pistachio and olive on hillside. In pocket valley surrounded by low oak pistachio covered hills
Site Description Hillslope site with rich surface material in recently plowed area, appears to be using a lot of the vesicular basalt from nearby Ziyaret Tepe. Some late material in nw but high concentration of Ubaid-related, L. Chalco on south slope, 9 to SW; 10-11 to se
Survey Conditions(include time spent on site) Good general materials widely scattered by plowing
Collection Comments This site is in the 203 time range for the most part, but could have some earleir material with two Ubaid-like sherds, cooking pots and bowls are similar, a number of interesting unknown rim forms, EBA like pink-buff ware jar necks and bowls, fair amount of flint late material to north
Collection Summary Sherd count Ground Stone
Flint count 13
Obsidian count 3
Neolithic note 2 possible?! neolithic red painted candidates (?) (SC 9-98)//(CE has it listed in her 12-02 diss revisions as positive attribution)
Halaf note 2 pieces post-Halaf (SC 9-98)//(CE has it listed in her 12-02 diss revisions as positive attribution)
Ubaid note Ubaid related (2 pieces SC 9-98)//(CE has it listed in her 12-02 diss revisions as positive attribution)
Uruk note possible Northern Uruk platter (Jerablus rim type 1b) (SC 9-98)
Chalcolithic note Chaff-faced simple bowls and cups, cooking pots with interior bow cf. site 204, interior upright rim bowls, some finer buff ware (large bit SC 9-98)//(CE has it listed in her 12-02 diss revisions as positive attribution)
Middle Bronze Age note heavy under-cut rims, one may have had a place for a handle attachment (Attribution demoted to possible LSD 6-03)
Late Bronze Age note miscellaneous LB jar and open platter (dwg in bloknote -- is an untreated surface, wheelmade, pinky pale brown, sandy SC 9-98) (Attribution demoted to possible LSD 6-03)
Hellenistic Late Roman note Hellenistic Fine ware one piece only; one mortarium
Medieval note incised handle fragment, fine incised fragment could be earlier, Islamic major occupation
Note about Unknown x
Subregion Nothern Valley
Neolithic True
Halaf, Ubaid, Uruk True
Chalcolithic True
Early Bronze False
Early Bronze, Middle Bronze False
Middle Bronze True
Late Bronze True
Iron Age False
Hellenistic, Roman True
Medieval True
Suggested Citation

Elizabeth Carter. (2025) "KM 211 from Asia/Turkey/Kahramanmaraş Survey Area". In Kahramanmaraş Survey. Elizabeth Carter (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <>

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