Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Element | Astragalus (talus, tibial tarsal) |
Taxon | Ovis |
Symmetry | Right |
Letter Code | F |
Find Number | 31 |
Validity | Full |
Sample Number | 1 |
Recovery | Flotation 4mm sieve |
Certainty | Probable |
Weathering | Very slight weathering |
# Of Fragments | 1 |
Diagnostic Zones (after Watson 1979) | 1.0 |
Weight (g) | 3.0 |
Length (cm) | 3.0 |
Artifacts | Yes |
Fragment Size | Complete |
Bd::Standard measurement | 15.9 |
GLm::Standard measurement | 22.3 |
GLl::Standard measurement | 23.6 |
Suggested Citation
Nerissa Russell. (2013) "13902.F31 from Asia/Turkey/Çatalhöyük/Mound East/Area IST/Unit 13902". In Çatalhöyük Zooarchaeology. Louise Martin, David Orton, Katheryn Twiss, Nerissa Russell, Sheelagh Frame (Ed). Released: 2013-02-13. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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