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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Grouping Old World monkey
Observation Number (Open Context) 58
Subspecies Macaca cyclopis
Common name Formosan rock macaque
Period of study October 1991 - September 1992
Country or Region Taiwan
Method Direct observation and faecal analysis
Wet season October - February
Dry season March - September
Environment Secondary broadleaf evergreen forest, mosaic grassy patches and conifer plantations.
Altitude (m) 500 - 900
% Fruit 53.8
% Leaves 14.9
% Flowers 7.3
% Pith & stems 14.2
% Invertebrates 9.8
Fruit availability peak May, July - October
Low fruit availability November - April, June
Percentages Based on time spent feeding
Notes Pith and stems also inlcudes shoots.
Reference Su & Lee 2001
Scanning method Scan sampling method (Altmann, 1974) at 10 minute intervals. Feeding behaviour was when macaques collected food orally or manually, ingested, or handled food. For each individual feeding, the scan sample was counted as one feeding record.
Full Reference
Su, H-H. and Lee, L-L. (2001). Food habits of Formosan Rock Macaques (Macaca cyclopis) in Jentse, Northeastern Taiwan, assessed by fecal analysis and behavioral observation. International Journal of Primatology, 22 (3): 359-377. [Available at:]
Suggested Citation

Rebecca Haywood. (2020) "Old World monkey 58 from Asia/Taiwan/Jentse, Yilan County, Taiwan". In Database of non-human primate dietary studies. Rebecca Haywood (Ed). Released: 2020-08-21. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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