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The midden deposit is a raised horseshoe-shaped ring defining the site’s outer boundary. The midden is characterized by higher artifact densities and soils with higher ash content than the areas inside or outside of the midden. A 2x2m pit was excavated in the southeast corner of the site.

A datum stake, measuring 85.2 meters above sea level, was placed on the ground surface adjacent to the midden excavation unit and was used to record all midden excavation levels. Two meters of midden deposits were excavated before reaching sterile soil. In the absence of changes to natural stratigraphy, these two meters were excavated in 10 cm arbitrary levels (see contained "Level" units). Throughout the midden the soil had high ash content, varying only slightly between grey and yellowish grey. Because of the slight color differences between soil types, texture was often a better indicator of a new stratigraphic layer. Soil changes between the stratigraphic layers were often not immediately apparent during excavations and would only appear as the soil was left to dry for a brief period.

Midden profile (color)
Midden profile (line)
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Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Sarah M Rowe info
Vocabulary: Virtual Valdivia
Suggested Citation

Sarah M Rowe. (2016) "Midden from Americas/Ecuador/Buen Suceso". In Virtual Valdivia. Sarah M Rowe (Ed). Released: 2016-08-12. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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