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Daily Log 27/07/2009


A pick pass was done of locus 11 , avoiding the areas around the carbon patch in the southwest. After more work scraping down locus 10 was done, it was decided to close locus 10 . Closing elevations and photographs were taken.

Closing elevations for locus 10 :

A- 22.28 mAE

B- 22.33 mAE

C- 22.34 mAE

D- 22.34 mAE

E- 22.24 mAE

The soil in the eastern portion of locus 10 is different than the rest of the locus. It contains small pieces of carbon inclusions. This area is being opened as locus 12 . Opening elevations, coordinates, and photographs were taken.

Opening elevations for locus 12 :

A- 22.44 mAE

B- 22.33 mAE

C- 22.25 mAE

D- 22.28 mAE

Opening Coordinates for locus 12 :

A- 147.36 E, 94.25 S

B- 147.5 E, 94 S

C- 147.5 E, 94.64 S

D- 147.32 E, 94.49 S

Three more pick passes were done of locus 11 and the soil sorted. There has been no material recovered from within this area. The soil remains greyish and rocky. Both large and small rocks are still being removed from within the locus. The area surrounding the carbon included patch was not picked in order to preserve the shape of the inclusion. This high point was troweled until all the remaining locus 11 soil was removed from around the carbon included patch. Work was done straightening and cleaning the southern baulk wall using baulk hammers and trowels. Excavation began in locus 12 . Material has been recovered from within it (pottery) but in extremely limited amounts.


Work continued in locus 12 , small amounts of material and flecks of carbon continue to be recovered. The brown soil continues to shrink as it is excavated. 2 passes have been completed in locus 12 with no soil remaining of 12, one final scrape is being done to make sure all the soil is up. Locus 11 is being scraped down, most of the grey soil has been removed and a yellow moteled soil is starting to appear.

After the last scrape the rest of locus 12 it was determined that all the soil had been removed. Locus 12 was closed, closing photos and elevations were taken.

Closing Elevations Locus 12 :

A- 22.11 mAE

B- 22.11 mAE

C- 22.11 mAE

D- 22.12 mAE

We continued to scrape the rest of locus 11 up. After removing the rest of the grey flaky soil we decided to close locus 11 . Closing elevations were taken, however closing photos will be taken in the morning when the shadows are gone.

Closing elevations of Locus 11:

A- 21.94 mAE

B- 22.05 mAE

C- 21.93 mAE

D- 21.62 mAE

E- 21.74 mAE

The soil underneath locus 11 is a yellow and grey flaky mottled soil. The baulks were trimmed for the rest of the afternoon.

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Andrew J. Carroll, Andrea R. Rodriguez. (2017) "AJC/ARR II (2009-07-27):215-222; Daily Log 27/07/2009 from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate C/Civitate C 7/2009, ID:608/Locus 3". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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