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Daily Log

July 21, 1971

  • G-J/23-25: 3 1/2 boxes of tiles
  • G-J/25-26: 8 1/2 boxes of tiles

Work continued in grids G-J/23-26, soil being removed to the same level as that reached in T-17 immediately to the west ( see above p. 35 ).

Same distinctive stratum as yesterday (cf above), with damp soil, color yellowish or reddish, changing sometimes abruptly from yellow to red, mixed with carbon particles, forming a stratum of mixed colors above "floor" level.

On some spots, a very hard, light yellow surface of (presumably) terra vergine (no!!) turned up forming the bottom of this stratum.  Large quantity of tiles, most concentrated in H-J/25-26 where they form a tile layer of ab. 15 cm thickness.  This tile concentration might be the

continuation of the distinct "tile line" mentioned by Erik Nielsen ( EN I ) in trench T-17, but this couldn\'t be taken for sure: a sufficiently clear "line" was not found anywhere in G-J/23-24; certain quantities of tiles were found also in other grids and in other levels in T-18.

In grids G/23, J/23, tiles were found in "floor" level; bottom of the mentioned stratum remains to be explored more fully.

Lines of stones appeared, still just partly visible, above dug surfacei n H-G/23-25: seems to be in line with outer row of stones found in T-17 grids. See EN I.

Fairly much pottery, much more than in levels above.  Fairly large part of it = bucchero.  Some interesting pieces noted below.  Most of the pottery

from 0-10 cm above dug level ("floor" level).

Exceptionally large quantity of bones in grids G-J/23-26 in this stratum, ab. 1/2 cassetta in G-J/23-24, 3/4 cassetta in G-J/23-24, and 3/4 cassetta in G-J/25-26.  A big piece of cheek bone (horse?) mended and consolidated in the magazzino.

Clay plaster: 10 pezzi found in G-J/23-24 (6) 2.

Pottery and bones for the most part appeared in southern part of dug area, grids G-H/23-26.  Grids J/23-26 further north much poorer, but tile concentration in J/23.


  • Find #1
  • T-18 H/24
  • Fragment of rim of bucchero vessel, good quality, plastic decoration: found in three pieces, mended


  • Find #3
  • T-18 H-J/24
  • Spindle whorl, impasto, surface light yellowish-brown


  • Find #5
  • T-18 G/25
  • Fragm. of spindle whorl, same clay character as no. 3, ab. 1/2 preserved


  • Find #7
  • T-18 G/25
  • Shoulder frag. of bucchero coppa


  • Find #10
  • T-18 G/25
  • Fragment of frieze (banquet)

Two men were put to work on the other (eastern) side of planned profile in 27-28,

in grids EF/29-30 and remaining northern part of D/29-30, starting by going down ca. 10 cm from existing soil surface (ca. 20 cm from pre-existing gruond surface).  At ab. 20 cm depth in D/29-30 and adjoining area of E/29-30, a tile layer of ab. 10 cm thickness appeared.  Soil above it light brown in color, very dry and rather hard, containing pietrische, but it has not the character of the compact stone-earth fill to the west in grids (D)EF/24-26.

Two fragments of terracotta statue turned up among the tile fragments and more statue fragments were spotted in the tile layer.  The tile layer rested upon a light-colored (yellowish-light reddish) hard distinct surface.

The statue fragments having turned up in the tile layer, the two workmen were removed further to north, clearing grids EF/29-30

from soil above tile layer. Some of the statue fragments visible among the tiles seem to be in a fragile condition and certainly require more skilled work.


  • Find #14
  • T-18 D/30
  • Fragment of terracotta statue (stool)
  • Statue restored permanently in July 1972.  Rt. arm frag. attached.  Left elbow added fr. Tesoro tr. 1 NRT.  See cat. card for 19710550 19710550 19710550 .


  • Find #16
  • T-18 D/29-30
  • Found in tile box; depth 10-30 cm
  • Fragment of frieze (horserace)
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Document Type Trench Book Entry
Trench Book Entry Date 1971-07-21
Entry Year 1971
Start Page 40
End Page 59
Title Daily Log
Trench Book ER I:40-41
Trench Book ER I:42-43
Trench Book ER I:44-45
Trench Book ER I:46-47
Trench Book ER I:48-49
Trench Book ER I:50-51
Trench Book ER I:52-53
Trench Book ER I:54-55
Trench Book ER I:56-57
Trench Book ER I:58-59
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
ER I info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Eva Rystedt info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Eva Rystedt. (2017) "ER I (1971-07-21):40-59; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 18/1971, ID:70/PC 19710550". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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