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12 July 2022




Work began in the area of Tesoro 101 by first clearing away the overgrown brush encompassing the surface of the trench. Brush and vines were cleared and grass and leaves were cut/swept off the surface. Once the clearing of the immediate area of excavation was completed, lines were established with the use of the transit in order to establish the coordinate points of the specific area of excavation. Once the coordinate points of T101 were established, the trench

and associated features were drawn for record on specialty millimeter paper and opening trench and Locus 1 photos were taken. Because of the positioning of T101 in direct contact with a cluster of very dense trees, it is not possible to take photos facing north so photos will be taken facing south and facing west.


The set datum for T101 is 29.11 m. A.E.


Opening Elevations:

NW: 28.38 m. A.E.

NE: 28.32 m. A.E.

SE: 28.35 m. A.E.

SW: 28.37 m. A.E.


Because the purpose of excavating T101 is to specifically explore the presence of any drainage system directly to the south of the section of Archaic wall present within the boundaries of the trench, excavation will focus on the approximately 3 meter by 1.5 meter strip running directly south and oriented horizontally of the Archaic wall. Stress wil be placed on the horizontal leveling of the surface of the trench in order to clearly reveal any discoloration of soil which may indicate a cut/feature present. Locus 1 of T101 is topsoil, full of roots, rocks, and other organic materials. The soil is very loosely compacted and breaks apart very easily. Excavation will be done with hand picks. Scraping and leveling done with trowels. Dirt will be sorted into buckets and then dirt will be separated from rocks and other materials and discarded in a designated dirt dump approximately 2 meters to the west of the westernmost wall of T101.




After lunch excavation continued. Little material is present in this extent of Locus 1 with relatively low numbers of pottery sherds, terra cotta roofing tiles, and bone fragments. At this point there has been no indication of any soil changes or discoloration around the area where the terra cotta drainage opening is located. There may potentially be a higher concentration of small to medium sized rocks within these 50 cm but more excavation will be needed.


Closing Elevations:

NW: 28.27 m. A.E.

NE: 28.20 m. A.E.

SE: 28.22 m. A.E.

SW: 28.32 m. A.E.

Daily Totals:

Terra cotta: 1/20 bowl

Pottery: 7 sherds

Bone: 5 fragments


Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Trench Book KD VII T101 2022 info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2024) "T101-2022 (2022-07-12):15-22; excavation from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 101/T101 2022". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <>

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