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13 July 2022




Opening Elevations:

NW: 28.27 m. A.E.

NE: 28.20 m. A.E.

SE: 28.22 m. A.E.

SW: 28.32 m. A.E.


Excavation began this morning with a focus on the removal of the remainder of Locus 1 which seems to be present only in a .25 meter by .25 meter patch located approximately 1.5 meters to the west of the easternmost extent of the trench. The rest of the area of excavation that surrounds Locus 1 will be declared Locus 2. Locus 2 presents as lighter in color and much more densely packed. While it is unclear at this stage, there does seem to be a heavier concentration of small to medium sized rocks within Locus 2. Hand picks have been discarded for the time being and only trowels will be used to reveal more of Locus 2


As scraping with trowels continues, more of Locus 2 is being revealed in greater uniformity. Locus 2 as it is being further revealed is presenting as very densely compacted and seems to be at a higher elevation in the west, sloping very slightly downward to the east. Scraping will continue until a uniforms surface has been revealed. Roots were clipped in order to reveal a clearer picture of Locus 2 and shortly after Locus 2 was uniformly revealed. Because further consideration is needed, excavation will halt shortly until after lunch.




Post-lunch it was decided to extend the area of excavation within the trench to reach the westernmost extent of T101 in order to determine if Locus 2 extends that far. While the western extent of T101 is excavated, the baulk wall running through the southern extent of the trench will be cleared and defined.


While scraping the extent of Locus 1, Locus 2 began to appear in the western quadrant but at a much higher elevation. Additionally, while scraping the baulk running through the southern extent, Locus 2 also began to appear but in an upward sloping manner which , if related to drainage, may indicate a direction of movement.



Closing Elevations:

NW: 28.26 m. A.E.

NE: 28.19 m. A.E.

SE: 28.22 m. A.E.

SW: 28.28 m. A.E.


Daily Totals:

Terra cotta: 1/20 bowl

Pottery: 6 sherds

Bone: 0 fragments

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Trench Book KD VII T101 2022 info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Anthony Tuck. (2024) "T101-2022 (2022-07-13):23-28; excavation from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 101/T101 2022". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: In prep. Open Context. <>

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