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The intended method of excavation in T 62 is to expose the full profile of the circular feature by approaching from the west side. A small section of the presumed western exterior coursing of the feature will be exposed to the bottom of the feature. Once a segment of the western exterior is exposed, the entire western exterior will then be exposed, measured, drawn, and photographed. This exposure will occur in two phases in order to maintain the structural integrity of the feature throughout excavation. Once the profile is revealed and fully documented, the feature will be sectioned through its diameter. The western coursing will be removed along with all soil and materials from the well's interior profile. In order to see and document the profile, but also to excavate safely, steps of soil will be created along the western baulk wall.

In order to see the feature in profile, soil will be broken up using the pointed end of a pick axe. Soil will be removed from the trench using shovels, deposited

into buckets, and sorted in the wheelbarrow. At the point of sectioning through the circular feature, small hand picks, trowels, and leaf trowels will be used to break up the soil, which will be sorted into buckets. Soil samples will be taken at various levels within the feature for flotation at a later time. Depending on what is uncovered in T 62 the methods of excavation may change, as the trench and the remains found in it dictate the excavation method.

A dirt dump for discarding all soil excavated from T 62 is established approximately ten meters south in the Civitate B property zone. A rock dump for discarding all rocks removed from T 62 will be established four meters to the west. Terra cotta roofing tiles and plaster will be counted by bowls with a diameter of 30cm and a maximum depth of 12cm. Once tile and plaster have been counted they will be discarded in a tile dump which

is established approximately one meter south of T 62. Pottery, bone, vitrified terra cotta, slag, amorphous bronze, and amorphous iron will be collected, counted, and saved separately in latte boxes. Latte boxes have the approximate depth of 23cm, length of 9cm, and width of 6 cm.

For special finds recovered from the wheel barrow, the coordinates and elevations will be estimated as best as possible. For special finds recovered in situ the exact coordinates and elevations will be recorded. In order to determine the coordinates, a plumb bob will be held over the location of the special find, and then the distance from two of the perpendicular baulk walls will be determined by extending a tape measure at a right angle from the string of the plumb bob to the string marking the boundaries of the trench.

In order to determine the elevation of special finds, once again a plumb bob will be held over the

find spot of the special find. Simultaneously, a string with a line level will be attached to a fixed datum point and will be pulled taut and level, so that it intersects with the string of the plumb bob. A tape measure will be held so that it runs parallel to the string of the plumb bob, and the elevation relative to the datum point may then be determined. As the absolute elevation of the datum point is known, the absolute elevation of the special find may be calculated using the found relative elevation.

NB: With all 2015 trenches, trench boundaries are not entirely in line with those of 2014, therefore all trenches may be extended up to 50cm to encompass unexcavated areas created by this discrepancy. For T 62 specifically, this discrepancy has led to a stepped western baulk wall and about a 50cm extension in the southeastern corner.

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Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
AEG IX info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Ann Elizabeth Glennie, Rachael Dodd, Jon Meyers. (2017) "AEG IX (2015-06-22):13-20; Methodology from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 62/2015, ID:697". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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