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Daily Log 22/7/14



The floor of the extension was scraped and roots clipped. The baulks were trimmed. Due to the rocks appearing in the southern part of the extension and the change in material being found we will close locus 7 and open locus 8 , 9 , and 10 . We will also begin excavating in the original trench to bring down what had been locus 2 to the same level as the sounding to help better understand the rocks in the old trench. To open locus 11 we also need to close locus 3 . Closing elevations were taken for locus 3 and 7 , opening elevations were taken for locus 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 . Opening photos and a sketch were made.

Closing Elevations Locus 3 NW- 29.20 mAE NE- 29.23 mAE SE- 29.22 mAE SW- 29.15 mAE

Closing Elevations locus 7 1- 29.27 mAE 2- 29.19 mAE 3- 29.15 mAE 4- 29.18 mAE 5- 29.25 mAE 6- 29.23 mAE

Opening Elevations Locus 8 1- 95 E, 33 S -29.27 mAE 2- 97 E, 33 S -29.19 mAE 3- 97 E, 35.64 S- 29.25 mAE 4- 95 E, 34.90 S- 29.24 mAE

Opening Elevations Locus 9 1- 94 E, 35 S -29.25 mAE 2- 95 E, 34.90 S -29.24 mAE 3- 97 E, 35.64 S -29.25 mAE 4- 97 E, 36.63 S -29.16 mAE 5- 94.24 E, 36.47 S -29.22 mAE

Opening Elevations Locus 10 1- 94.24 E, 36.47 S -29.22 mAE 2- 97 E, 36.63 S -29.16 mAE 3- 97 E, 37 S -29.15 mAE 4- 94.24 E, 37 S -29.18 mAE

Opening Elevations Locus 11 1- 93.34 E, 33 S -29.27 mAE 2- 94 E- 33 S -29.21 mAE 3- 94 E, 34.75 S -29.17 mAE 4- 92.32 E, 34.25 S -29.19 mAE

PM Work began in the afternoon in locus 8 with a pick pass across the northern most half of the locus. The soil maintains its yellowish- brown color with a flakey consistency. There is a scattering of a few large rocks along the northern end of the locus but there is still no discernible pattern to them. Further excavation will be required before determining whether a pattern exists. While cleaning up the loose dirt, a tusk, most likely from a wild boar, was pulled from the dirt (SF #1). A small bone, showing a diagnostic end was also recovered from the soil neatly (SF #2). Also nearby, what appears to be a

heavily corroded iron cylinder was recovered, also near the north- east corner (SF #3). Slightly north of the iron cylinder a series of fairly large bone fragments, apparently all from a single bone, representing a distal end was found (SF #4). Even further north from the bone fragments, a bronze pebble was recovered (SF #5).

Special Find #1 Wild Boar Tusk Locus 8 29.22 mAE 95.64 E, 34.13 S

Special Find #2 Small Bone Locus 8 29.21 mAE 95.76 E, 34.18 S Drawing


20140082 Special Find #3 Iron Cylinder (2 parts) Locus 8 29.18 mAE 96.16 E, 34.08 S

Special Find #4 Bone Fragments (8 pieces) Locus 8 29.17 mAE 96.26 E, 33.85 S

Special Find #5 Bronze Pebble Locus 8 29.14 mAE 96.36 E, 33.32 S

Special Find #6 Ridged Bucchero Locus 8 29.16 mAE 96.55 E, 34.95 S

Special Find #7 Ridged Pottery (2 Fragments) 29.15 mAE 96.20 E, 33.70 S Locus 8

Afterwards, a pick pass of the southern end of locus 8 was performed. During this pass a small ridged piece of bucchero (SF #6) was recovered, along with a ridged piece of pottery (SF #7) that was removed in two parts.

The southern half of locus 8 appeared to lack the density of rocks present further south in the trench, and also appears to have rocks in lower quantities than the northern half of locus 8. Throughout the locus there was a notable increase in the number of bone fragments, as compared to other excavated loci in the trench. Thus far a final pick pass for the day was thrown in the northern half of the locus, however locus 11 was being excavated at the same time as locus 8 . During the first pick pass of locus 8 in the PM, a pick pass was being completed of the eastern half of locus 11 and the work continued simultaneously. The top of the soil was wet from the recent rain. Under that, the soil was clay like but crumbled nicely. As the locus dropped the soil became increasingly lighter and modeled with tiny specks of rock in the soil. After a pick of the western half of locus 11, the light yellowish modeled soil was found to be more concentrated in the northern half of the locus. This locus has many roots of various sizes from the tree just south of the trench. No special finds were found today in locus 11 and most of the finds are pottery with some bone. A final pick pass was thrown in the southern half. Just as this dirt

finished being picked up, it started to rain and the trench was covered with tarp.

Bulk Finds

Locus 7 Tile- 8 pieces  No Sieve Finds out of 1 bucket Pottery- 9 Pieces

Locus 8 Sieve Finds (2 buckets) Tile- 15 pieces + 1 piece Pottery- 1/3 latte (50 pieces) + 2 pieces Bone- 16 pieces

Locus 11 Tile- 8 pieces  No sieve finds out of 3 buckets Pottery- 26 pieces Bone- 2 pieces

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Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
AJC VI info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Andrew J. Carroll info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Andrew J. Carroll. (2017) "AJC VI (2014-07-22):113-126; Daily Log 22/7/14 from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 57/2015, ID:699/Locus 3". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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