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Daily Log
Tuesday, 25 June 1985, morning
Tile 1.5
Plaster .5
Pottery 1 strawberry
We bring much of O and the northern half of P in 86-88 down to about 50 cm. below the surface, still with spades and brushes, except in the area of O-P 86, south of the tree, where the floor continues surprisngly high (ca. 45 cm. from the surface) and in places well-preserved. To the south of the column base it is not detected; to the east of the base it is about 10 cm. lower. Large fragments of tile, much plaster, and stones, some large, continue to emerge in O-P 87-88. O-P 86 yields much less, but some of that which is found is burned, even vitrified. Most pottery also comes from 87-88; this includes heavy utility pots and a fragment of a low-footed bowl, as well as one of a delicate bucchero dish. From near the bottom of the trench come 2 ivory or bone fragments ni O 87 ( Nos. 2, 3) and possibly a third in O 86. Also a small chunk of bronze. From ca. 45 cm down comes a bit of feline fang. From among the tile and plaster in O 88 comes a large amorphous lump of red clay, perhaps unfired, at least in a klin. A few bits of bone and some interesting plaster fragments are saved.
- Find #2
- O 87 burn soil
fragment of ivory inlay, petal
- Find #3
- O 86/87 burn soil
fragment of worked bone, fanning inclusions, palmette?
Tuesday, 25 June, afternoon
Plaster 1/8
Pottery .75 berry
Tile 1.5
We continue this morning's work in O-P 86-88, tile/rock concentration, burn soil, floor. We also continue to remove and expose tile in P 88-89. The floor continues but slopes downward to the east and north. In the east it ends abruptly near the border of 86 and 87 in P. In the north in continues into O, at least. A number (4) of bronze flakes emerge and near the bottom in O 88 a large rim fragment from a pot with offset shoulder and incipient collar-rim. In P 88-89 the tile concentration only intensifies, now at 30 cm. down from the surface, with great and small chunks of plaster. Some pieces of tile, one large, are discolored or paritally vitrified. The large one warped and grey, with exposure to intense heat.
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Document Type | Trench Book Entry |
Trench Book Entry Date | 1985-06-25 |
Entry Year | 1985 |
Start Page | 86 |
End Page | 95 |
Title | Daily Log |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
L. Ron Lacy. (2017) "LRL II (1985-06-25):86-95; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 26/1985, ID:434/PC 19850177". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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