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In the 1978, 1979, and 1980 excavation seasons, a series of trenches, designated T-23 and T-26 were opened in an area to the southeast of what was, at the time, called the Upper Building's south courtyard, which has since been identified as the Archaic Building (see MTI , MTII , MTIII , MTIV , MCI , MCII , and MCIII ). At the time of the excavation of T-23 and T-26, the presence of the Orientalizing Workshop, as well as other Orientalizing period buildings, was unknown; the workshop is situated just to the south of the T-23 and T-26 trenches, approximately 3 meters from the southernmost baulk wall. What excavators found most notable about the T-23 and T-26 trenches was a large concentration of worked ivory, bone, and antler, which were found in what is now known to be an Orientalizing period stratum, and thus this area was thought of as an ivory dump.

In more recent excavation seasons, eight trenches have been opened beginning in the 2003 excavation season, in the Archaic Building's southern courtyard; these trenches are T-30, T-30A, T-30B, T-30C, T-30D, T-30E, T-30F, and T-30G. These trenches were

opened primarily to investigate the presence of four large stones, all of which appear to have been manually flattened, are all approximately 2.7 meters in diameter, and are all spaced 5.4 meters apart; such stones have been found in T-30, T30G, as well as T26 (see AGG/CNTI , ECV , CEDII). The uniform size and spacing of the stones suggests the presence of a fourth Orientalizing period building, for which these stones would have functioned as column pads; at present, the function of such a building remains unknown, although its proximity to the Workshop suggests some sort of industrial activity.

T-48 will be opened in the 2007 excavation season in a location just to the west and northwest of the previously excavated T-23 and T-26 trenches, in a place situated approximately 10 meters to the east of the T-30 area of trenches.

The purpose of opening T-48 is five-fold.

1. T-48 will be opened to further examine the stratigraphy of the area in between the Orientalizing Workshop and the Archaic southern courtyard, in order to help clarify the ancient topography of the area.

2. To reveal the full extent of the possible building found in the T-30 area. A large, flattened stone is mentioned in one of the T-23 trenches

(see MTIV, pages 81 , 137 ), indicating that this building may have extended far to the southeast, nearly adjacent to the Workshop.

3. To investigate the orientation and construction of this building; thus far, only a single row of potential column pads has been uncovered, so we will look for evidence of either a second row of possible column pads, or foundation walls to one or both sides of these column pads, which could potentially reveal much about the architecture of such a building.

4. Aside from architectural remains, to attempt this season to determine the extent of the concentration of ivory, bone and antler.

5. To find evidence indicating the source for this unusual concentration of materials; it is unknown whether the ivory, bone, and antler found in the T-23 and T-26 trenches should be associated with the Orientalizing Workshop, or with the newly uncovered, possible building located in the T-30 area.

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KRK II info
Vocabulary: Murlo
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Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Katharine R. Kreindler info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Katharine R. Kreindler. (2017) "KRK II (2007-06-17):3-8; Introduction from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 48/2007, ID:587". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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