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Daily Log
Monday, 31 May 1971
A crew of 5 workmen began an extension of trench CA 28 from approximately the point at which the excavation there ended in 1970- for the previous season's work. See Neilson I, "CA 28\'70"- EE-NN 1-13 pp. 1-109 , Summary pp. 110-111.
The goal of this year's project in CA 28 is to complete excavation of the Fossa on the west dise of the Civitate Area on the site by extending last year's trench 28 to the south, to eventually meet the previously excavated CA 24 trench in the Fossa, in o5rder to recover the approximately all the contents of this feature (hopefully to complete previously recovered fragmentary frieze plaques, statues, etc.) and to obtain a relatively complete appraisal of this area of the site.
Grid designations for this year's trench follow the scheme of last year's excavations there (See map, Nielsen, Book I p. 1 ) with an eroded part of grids NN-EE = 14-15 left unexcavated so that dirt is
removed only from a part of Grid 15, continuing numbering from previously excavated Grid 13. ( See map p. 1 *). Dirt and tiles will be dumped further to the north-west (last year's tomato patch).
*Grid designations were realigned to the NW corner of the Santuario wall. Hence Cut 1, 1971 begins at 15m from the wall corner or Grid 16. For this reason grids 14 and 15 as mentioned on page 4 do not exist nor was any dike left between the 1970 and 1971 trenches.
A note on the strate. Stratum A is topsoil and fill with a few stones/boulders and scattered finds: loose brown earth. Stratum B is the fill of the Fossa defined by brown earth mixed with clay and yellow permeable earth and fist sizes stones and boulders. It is often interrupted by clay and earthfill- evidence of arbitary dumping. Stratum C is yellow permeable earth without stones resting directly above bedrock/gatestra.
Excavation for 31 May:
Two cuts of 15-10 cm. deep (allowing for the natural falling off of ground and bedrock to the west) were made in grids 15-18 NN-GG (the second cut unfinished)- this has not yet removed all the dark brown soil- Layer A ( as in last year's designations) in any grid, although it is expected that all grids NN and MM will contain galestra or bedrock at a higher level that in the rest of the trench.
Finds in general conssited of a large number of roof-tiles, the majority of fragmemts, very small in size and quite abraded, and potsherds, mostly of coarse impasto, with a few small, undecorated bucchero fragments, some heavy terracotta sherds with one or two bands of applied, "pie-crust" type decoration, and several large pithos fragments, including two sherds (joining) from the rim. Also found were a few small fragments of the unusal orange-colored plaster. One small bag on bone fragments was also recovered.
Tiles Dumped- Boxes- 6
- Film 71-17
* The sherds consisted of a number of terracotta, and impasto feet and lips, a piece of bucchero (a lip- see opposite page), a black painted ware handle and several crumbly pithoi rim fragments.
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Document Type | Trench Book Entry |
Trench Book Entry Date | 1971-05-31 |
Entry Year | 1971 |
Start Page | 3 |
End Page | 8 |
Title | Daily Log |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
James Wright. (2017) "JW III (1971-05-31):3-8; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Civitate A/Civitate A 28/1971, ID:394". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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