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6 July 2016

6 July 2016


The morning began with a pickpass in the western 1.5rm. Similar soil and materials are now being found across the trench. Any small high areas were then picked to even out the floor surface in preparation to declare one loci. During the clearing, a piece of slag was found (Special find #1).

Special Find #1

Locus 2




A series of nails were placed along the division of what will become Loci 3 and Loci 4 . The trench was then swept for photos.


Closing Elevations Locus 2 :

NW - 304.65mASL

NE - 304.52mASL

SE - 304.51mASL

SW - 304.65mASL

Daily Totals Locus 2:

Tile count: 1 \xbd bowls

Pottery Count: 17 sherds


Locus 3 coordinates:

A - 18.19w/6.14s

B - 16.60w/5.52s

C - 13.96w/5.67s

SE - 13.42w/7.39s

SW - 18.35w/9.59s

Locus 3 elevations:

A - 304.60mASL

B - 304.62mASL

C - 304.52mASL

SE - 304.51mASL

SW - 304.65mASL

Locus 4 coordinates:

NW - 19.15w/4.91s

NE - 14.30w/3.37s

C - 13.96w/5.67s

B - 16.60w/5.52s

A - 18.19w/6.14s

Locus 4 elevations:

NW - 304.65mASL

NE - 304.52mASL

C - 304.52mASL

B - 304.63mASL

A - 304.60mASL

Locus 3 runs from east to west and makes up approximately 1.5-2m of the southermost part of the trench. Its soil consists entirely of galestra that is yellowish dense sand.

Locus 4 is made up of a soil that is dense dirt, clay-like, but less than Locus 2 . It includes a large amount of terracotta bits with white inclusions and occasional charcoal bits. The afternoon began by picking the eastern wall from north to south moving 50cm west at most. Soil is being broken up by hand over buckets, during the clean up a fine impasto base was recovered in the northeast corner of Locus 4 in a large clump dirt and was broken in many pieces (Special find #2).

Approximately 2m north of the southern baulk wall, against the eastern base of the wall, a black gloss base was recovered (Special find #3) and approximately 40cm north, a handle of the same material was uncovered (Special find #4), there is potential that these two finds are related. In the northeast corner, a large piece of bone in many pieces was recovered along with a large amount of tile and pottery, all ancient.

Special Find #2

Locus 4



Fine Impasto Base


Special Find #3

Locus 4



Black Gloss Base

Special Find #4

Locus 4



Black Gloss Handle

After all soil from the small pick pass in the eastern area of Locus 4 was collected, a small handpick pickpass was done in the same area. The loose soil was collected by hand and sorted over buckets and some tile and pottery was recovered. Closing elevations were taken.

Closing elevations Locus 4 :

NW - 304.65mASL

NE - 304.50mASL

C - 304.49mASL

B - 304.62mASL

A - 304.60mASL

Daily totals Locus 4 :

Tile count: 1 \xbd bowls

Pottery: 33 sherds

Bone: 2

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
VT-12 info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Anthony Traversa, Duncan MacIntosh. (2017) "VT-12 (2016-07-06):53-64; 6 July 2016 from Europe/Italy/Vescovado di Murlo/Upper Vescovado/Vescovado 12/2016, ID:720/Locus 2". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

Editorial Status
Part of Project
300 m
1000 ft
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