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9 July 2015

9 July 2015


Work begins in the central and southern baulk trims, after daily photographs were taken. Trowels are being used to cut back into the baulk about 10-15cm in both the central and south trims. An 18cm stone was removed in the central baulk trim, in the southern end. It was roughly 50cm below the aperture of the circular rock feature. An additional stone was removed in the southern trim, in the northern section. It was approximately 22cm in width. While excavating in the central baulk trim, a crucible fragment was found directly under the large stone occupying approximately 40cm in the northern section.

Find #1: Crucible Fragment.


24.89m A.E.

Central Baulk Trim



In the southern baulk trim, work focuses on cutting into the wall further east and north to find additional robust stones that may be structurally related to the circular feature. Little material is being found. In the central baulk trim, work is focusing on defining the two large stones present just below the aperture. Trowels are being used to cut in easterly to uncover more stones without undercutting the previously mentioned stones. Several worn fragments of pottery, bone, and tile have been uncovered.

Find #2: Burnt Bone Fragment


24.79m A.E.

Central Baulk Trim

Find #3: Coil Made Pottery Fragment

94.73E/54.86 S

24.72m A.E.

Central Baulk Trim

An approximately 35cm stone has been uncovered in the central baulk trim. It is directly beneath the large stone occupying the southern half of the central trim. A significantly smaller stone has been found in the northern section of the southern baulk trim. Both baulk trims are producing a noticeable amount of bone. Significant progress has been made in the southern baulk trim cut in, bringing the eastern baulk of it back about 10cm in the top most section.  Both sections of the baulk trim have a noticeable amount of carbon inclusions.

Find #4: Burnt Bone Fragment

94.36E/54.42 S

24.55m A.E.

Central Baulk Trim

Excavating further east in the central baulk trim has exposed two additional stones. Work is focusing on lowering the soil surrounding these stones. In

order to define them. While sorting buckets originating from the central baulk trim, and iron nail shaft was found. Approximate points will be used.

Find #5: Iron Nail Shaft Fragment


~24.53m A.E.

Central Baulk Trim

An additional fragment of slipped fineware was found in another bucket during sorting. It is most likely associated with the earlier found fragments at approximately the same elevation.

Fine #6: Slipped Fineware Fragment


~24.53m A.E.

Central Baulk Trim

The central baulk trim has been brought down approximately 50cm to reveal the next level of coursing. Work is now solely focused on defining the stones comprising this coursing. Miniscule bronze

fragments have been uncovered. They will be put as bulk bronze. While defining a rock in the northern section of the central baulk trim, a bifurcated handle fragment was found.

Find #7: Bifurcated Handle Fragment

94.38 E/ 54.25 S

24.44 m A.E.

Central Baulk Trim

Loose dirt was collected created by defining and photographs were taken of the western face of the coursing of the circular rock feature. A drawing of the profile was also done.


The third cut of approximately 50cm being undertaken across the central area o the eastern baulk wall in order to reveal the profile of

the circular feature further. In areas in which the soil pack is clearly thicker, small hand picks are used to remove the soil, while terra cotta and stone of the feature are being defined with trowels and leaf trowels. Small concentrations of terra cotta, pottery, and bone recovered, as well as a fragment of amorphous bronze, collected in bulk. The incised rim of fineware vessel, the same as Find 12 on 1 July and Find 4 from 7 July recovered from top of the deteriorating rock level.

Find 8: Incised Fineware Rim Fragments


24.37m A.E.

Central Baulk Trim



A fragment of cover tile removed from the southern edge of the central feature at the highest level of new cut. A small bifurcated handle fragment found from the same area.

Find 9: Bifurcated Fineware Handle Fragment

94.44 E/ 54.87 S

24.30 m A.E.

Central Baulk Trim

At the same time, the baulk trim south of the circular feature is being dropped to the elevation of the next 50cm cut, revealing two rocks about 25cm in length, spanning the entire width of the southern section. These rocks have a third rock resting behind them (further to the east) which is the width of the entire section. These three rocks seem to sit atop a tile packing which sits above the two larger rocks clearly in the deteriorating rock soil type. As the deteriorating rock soil is being excavated through, it is becoming slightly more difficult to distinguish stones which may be associated with the circular feature

from those which may be naturally part of the geology of the are but not deteriorated. Several small stones (5-20 cm in length) which are either natural or obviously unassociated stones removed form the central portion of the central section. When the level of the central baulk trim was cut own from 50 cm, the rest of the trench floor cleaned. During cleaning a fragment of slipped pottery recovered.

Find 10: Slipped Fineware Body Fragment


~24.00-24.50m A.E.

Central Baulk Trim

More definition of the coursing in this 50cm cut needed before photographs and drawing tomorrow morning.

Daily Totals:

Central Baulk Trim:

Terra Cotta: ½ bowl

Pottery: 5 lattes (327 fragments)

Bone: 2 lattes (119 fragments)

Slag: 6 fragments

Vitrified Terra Cotta: 1 fragment

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
AEG IX info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Ann Elizabeth Glennie, Rachael Dodd, Jon Meyers. (2017) "AEG IX (2015-07-09):215-232; 9 July 2015 from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 62/2015, ID:697/Locus 18". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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