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Wednesday, 10 July 2019
Opening Elevations:
NW: 24.78 m AE
NE: 24.97 m AE
SW: 24.67n m AE
SE: 24.88 m AE
The day began with a pick in the eastern half of the trench. While picking, a sherd of incised pottery was found.
Special Find #29: Incised Pottery
Coordinates: 108.40 E/73.03 S
Elevation: 24.85 m AE
Once the dirt from the pick was cleared, another was done in the same area, avoiding the west because of the rocks (this area will be hand picked). While clearing the dirt, a piece of iron was found.
Special Find #30: Iron
Coordinates: 107.52 E/73.49 S
Elevation: 24.87 m AE
Shortly after, while clearing away the picked dirt, a sherd of ridged pottery was found.
Special Find #31:
Coordinates: 106.96 E/73.60 S
Elevation: 24.71 m AE
Shortly after, a large piece of slag was found.
Special Find #32: Slag
Coordinates: 109.15 E/73.90 S
Elevation: 24.80 m AE
Upon further examination of the rocks in the western portion of T-95 and their potential alignment with the rocks in the eastern portion of T-94, T-95 will extend to the north 3 meters as the linear rocks in T-95 seem to continue in that direction. Thus, excavation of Locus 2 will be halted in order to explore further to the north. Light baulk walling of Locus 2 will be done in conjunction with light leveling of the floor surface before extending the trench. While leveling, multiple fragments of a pot found earlier were found during leveling and were deemed a special find.
Special Find #33: Pottery Sherds
Coordinates: 108.34 E/73.64 S
Elevation: 24.17 m AE
Shortly after, a piece of bronze was found.
Special Find #34: Bronze
Coordinates: 109.73 E/72.20 S
Elevation: 25.14 m AE
Post-lunch Locus 3 was prepped for opening. Triangulation was done, leaves and debris were cleared from the surface, lines were put down and opening photos/elevations were taken.
Opening Elevations Locus 3:
NE: 25.84 m AE
NW: 25.95 m AE
SE: 25.37 m AE
SW: 25.19 m AE
A pick was done through the eastern 3m x 2m half of the trench. There is a large tree directly in the center of the trench that has multiple large roots and rocks surrounding it. For now the rocks will be left in place until their potential function can be determined. Once the dirt from that pass was cleared, another was begun pulling back to the north. The materials coming from this locus are still heavily abraded and most likely erosional.
Closing Elevations Locus 2:
NE: 24.93 m AE
NW: 24.80 m AE
SE: 24.79 m AE
SW: 24.68 m AE
Closing Elevations Locus 3:
NE: 25.79 m AE
NW: 25.94 m AE
SE: 25.32 m AE
SW: 25. 19 m AE
Daily Totals Locus 2:
Architectural Terracotta: ¼ bowl
Pottery Sherds:
Bone Fragments: 6
Daily Totals Locus 3:
Architectural Terracotta: 1/ bowl
Bone Fragments: 0
Pottery Sherds:
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Document Type | Trench Book Entry |
Start Page | 65 |
End Page | 73 |
Trench Book Entry Date | 2019-07-10 |
Entry Year | 2019 |
Entry Type | Excavation Activities |
Trench Book Title (Paper Book) | KD VI |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Trench Book KD VI T95 2019
Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
Anthony Tuck. (2019) "T95 (2019-07-10):65-73; Excavation Activities from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 95/T95 2019". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2019-09-13. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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