Document Content
Daily Log
July 18, 1978
Work began by continuing the Red layer cut in AB/10. C-10 is occupied by a large stump; therefore, it will be difficult to excavate at this point -- C-10 will be excavated later. Ab/10 produced very little. Two fragments of worked bronze sheet and about five fragments of ivory were excavated. It appears that the Red layer terminates in meter 10. The reddish soil does not dip or rise -- nor does it disappear -- yet it becomes very thin and less concentrated with material. With the Red layer, the ivories also seem to have disappeared.
This area did, however, continue to produce
a great quantity of tile. Some pottery was also found, but no more of the stamped lid that was excavated yesterday was found this morning.
Next the gray layer cut in ABC/8 was started. This was completed in ABC/8 this morning. Some pottery and some tile was found. A fairly large carbon deposit was found in A-8.
- Find #3
- A-10
- Red layer / depth of 55 cm
Fragment of bronze sheet which preserves part of a worked hole
- Find #4
- A-10
- Red layer / depth of 55 cm
Fragment of bronze sheet with two finished edges; large
- Find #8
- A-10
- Red layer / depth of 55 cm
Possible fragment of worked bone with incision
Work began by completing the gray layer cut in ABC/8 and continuing it into ABC/9-10 (C-10 was left unexcavated again on account of the large stump which occupies that meter).
The gray layer cut in ABC/8-10 produced some tile and some pottery. The pottery consists mainly of course ware sherds and a few bucchero fragments.
Only a few small flakes of bronze were found in ABC/8-10, and no ivory was found this afternoon. However, two pieces of burned bone were found which appear to be worked (B-10).
ABC 8-10 were completed and taken down to bedrock. The average depth of the bedrock in this three meter by three meter area is {information not provided} . About ten centimeters above the bedrock,
there was quite a bit of carbon. The fragments of burned wood at this depth were small but plentiful.
- Find #1
- C-8
- Red layer / {information not provided}
- Stray find
Fragment of a bronze nail, head is preserved
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Document Type | Trench Book Entry |
Trench Book Entry Date | 1978-07-18 |
Entry Year | 1978 |
Start Page | 145 |
End Page | 155 |
Title | Daily Log |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Is Part Of Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) | MC I Vocabulary: Murlo |
Suggested Citation
Matthew Caras. (2017) "MC I (1978-07-18):145-155; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 23/1978, ID:89". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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