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Daily Log

Thursday, July 7 2016


Work continued in Locus 5 . Soil is a darker olive brown, fairly loose, soft, and claylike, and is heavily mottled, with many charcoal inclusions. A carbon sample was taken at the start of the morning (Soil Sample #1). Trowels were used to excavate the locus and reveal its slope. It appears that this soil extends to the deepest part of the cut, in the northernmost point, but that in the southernmost area, we are encountering a new, lighter colored soil. Therefore, we will attempt to remove all of the darker soil of Locus 5 in order to fully expose the surface of the new, lighter soil. Additionally, it should be noted that the northern corner of the cut, which is currently the deepest part, is approximately 10cm lower in elevation than the galestra exposed in T-58 in 2014, indicating that this is definitely a cut.

Trowels were used to excavate the locus. Soil was sorted by hand in the trench and then sieved, first through a 1cm gauge sieve and then through a 2mm gauge sieve. Additionally, a half-bucket of soil was collected from the southern half of the locus, at a higher elevation, for flotation. Additionally, while sorting soil, we

found a vertebra fragment (Find #1), a sherd of coil-made red impasto (Find #2), a sherd of bucchero with a rough outer face (Find #3), and a possible part of a scapula (Find #4).

The remaining darker soil of locus 5 was removed, revealing a new, lighter, but still mottled soil beneath. This soil will be Locus 6 . The surface of Locus 6 slopes downward from south to north, forming a sort of shelf in the southernmost area of the cutting. The deepest part of the cut is still the northern corner, but the surface of Locus 6 slopes more gently downward from south to north than that of Locus 5 . Closing photos and elevations for Locus 5 /opening photos and elevations for Locus 6 were taken. Locus 5 was closed and Locus 6 opened.

Closing Elevations: Locus 5 / Opening Elevations: Locus 6

  • \x81 94.23E/39.47S: 26.47m A.E.
  • \x81 94.48E/39.88S: 26.49m A.E.
  • \x81 94.27E/40.36S: 26.54m A.E.
  • \x81 93.91E/39.86S: 26.52m A.E.

We began to excavate into Locus 6 . Soil is a medium olive brown and is lighter in color than the soil of the previous locus. It is also slightly denser, but still heavily mottled, with many charcoal inclusions. One large piece of charcoal was collected as Soil Sample #2. The locus was excavated using trowels and soil was hand sorted in the trench, then sieved through a 1cm gauge and a 2mm gauge sieve. While working in the trench, a maxilla with an attached tooth (Find #5) was recovered.

Special Finds

1. Find #1

2. Find #2

3. Find #3

  • 94.34E/39.71S
  • \x81 26.50m A.E.
  • \x81 Bucchero with rough outer face

4. Find #4

5. Find #5


We continue to excavate through Locus 6 . Soil remains medium olive-brown, fairly loose and claylike, and contains many carbon inclusions. In the southern area of the locus, we may have revealed a new deposit; here, soil is a lighter yellowish color, may be slightly denser, and contains white limestone inclusions but no visible charcoal. We are continuing to remove the darker, carbon-rich soil of Locus 6 , in order to see if the new soil completely underlies it. Soil is hand-sorted in the trench then sieved through 1cm and 2mm gauge sieves. While troweling in the locus, a large ridged impasto rim was removed from the eastern edge of the section cut (Find #6). Additionally, a soil sample for Locus 6 was taken to the magazzino for flotation. Closing elevations for the day were taken.

Special Finds


6. Find #6

Closing Elevations: Locus 6

  • \x81 94.23E/39.47S: 26.38m A.E.
  • \x81 94.48E/39.88S: 26.36m A.E.
  • \x81 94.27E/40.36S: 26.40m A.E.
  • \x81 93.91E/39.86S: 26.41m A.E.

Locus 5 :

  • Tile: 0 fragments
  • \x81 Pottery: 52 sherds
  • \x81 Bone: 5 fragments

Locus 6 :

  • \x81 Tile: 0 fragments
  • \x81 Pottery: 60 sherds
  • \x81 Bone: 16 fragments

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
KRK X info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Katharine R. Kreindler info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Katharine R. Kreindler. (2017) "KRK X (2016-07-07):81-92; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 86/2016, ID:713/Locus 4". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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