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Daily Log

Wednesday, 9 July 2014


Work continued in both Loci 2 and 3 . In Locus 2 , hand picks and trowels were used to excavate the remaining brown claylike soil in the SW corner of the trench and expose and define any large rocks that may be present. Additionally, the newer, yellowish brown soil began to be exposed in this corner. Moving from north to south, more rocks were found in this corner and they slope downward from north to south. Soil was hand sorted directly into buckets in the trench and small quantities of tile and pottery were found.

In Locus 3 , a pick pass was made of the entire eastern extension, moving from north to south. Soil continues to be medium brown in color and claylike in texture, with some smaller roots. Some larger rocks began to be felt in the central meters of the extension, roughly in line with the northern linear rock feature in Locus 1 ; hand picks and trowels will be used in this area, to preserve the integrity of the rocks. Soil was hand sorted directly into buckets in the trench and only small quantities of tile and pottery were recovered.

Another pick pass was made in Locus 3 , once again beginning in the north and going only app. 1.5m south, where the linear line of rocks would extend and where rocks were felt in the previous pick pass. Soil continues to be medium brown and claylike, with some small rocks and roots present. Soil is hand sorted directly into buckets in the trench and few materials were recovered.

In the area where the northern linear rock feature is projected to extend, trowels were used to excavate, so as not to disturb these rocks. Some larger rocks were found extending eastward, but it is unclear whether these form a true, delineated rock line or how far they extend.

As the surface of Locus 3 is still app. 7cm higher than the floor of Locus 1 , another pick pass was made in these northern meters, as far south as the projected rock line. Soil continues to be medium brown and claylike, with small roots. Soil is sorted directly into buckets in the trench and small quantities of tile and pottery were found. While troweling in the central meters of the trench, some more small rocks were found that continue the northern linear rock feature; these seem to curve to the SE and are imbedded in a new

lighter, more yellow soil similar to that found in the SW corner of Locus 2 . More pottery and tile seem to appear the closer in elevation we get to the rock feature.


Work continued in the afternoon with a light pick pass of the central meters of Locus 3 , where the elevation was app. 7cm higher than the northern linear rock feature in Locus 1 . Soil continues to be brown and claylike, although the new, yellower soil has begun to appear further to the south. Soil continues to be sorted by hand directly into buckets in the trench and slightly more tile and pottery was found.

Simultaneously, the SW corner of Locus 2 was excavated with a handpick and trowel. The new, yellowish soil is sloping noticeably downward from north to south, along with the surface of large rocks that are part of the southern rock cluster. Soil is hand sorted in the trench and small quantities of tile and pottery were recovered.

After picking in the central meters of the trench, trowels and handpicks were used to define rocks, which seem to curve toward the south but become more sparse. While defining rocks, a possible obsidian flake (Find #1) and a possible cut bone (Find #2) were found.

Special Finds


\xb7 Find #1

\xb7 Locus 3

\xb7 95.23E/41.62S

\xb7 28.92m A.E.

\xb7 Possible obsidian flake


\xb7 Find #2

\xb7 Locus 3

\xb7 95.09E/41.74S

\xb7 28.88m A.E.

\xb7 Possible cut bone


Closing elevations: Locus 3

\xb7 NW corner (95E/39S): 29.04m A.E.

\xb7 96.53E/39S: 29.05m A.E.

\xb7 96.53E/39.68S: 29.03m A.E.

\xb7 97E/39.68S: 29.04m A.E.

\xb7 SE corner (97E/43S): 28.76m A.E.

\xb7 SW corner (95E/43S): 28.70m A.E.

Locus 2 :

\xb7 Tile: 22 fragments

\xb7 Pottery: 9 sherds

\xb7 Bone: 0 fragments

Locus 3 :

\xb7 Tile: 4/5 bowl

\xb7 Pottery: 32 sherds

\xb7 Bone: 0 fragments

Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Is Part Of
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
KRK VII info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Katharine R. Kreindler info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Iron age info
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings
Open Context References: Iron age hub
Temporal Coverage
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Anthony Tuck info
Vocabulary: Murlo
Suggested Citation

Katharine R. Kreindler. (2017) "KRK VII (2014-07-09):87-94; Daily Log from Europe/Italy/Poggio Civitate/Tesoro/Tesoro 59/2014, ID:676/Locus 1". In Murlo. Anthony Tuck (Ed). Released: 2017-10-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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