Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Discovery-Unit ID | 7078 |
Class | Standard |
Date | 2002-06-14 |
Topo-Map | 63782 |
Toponym | Lakka Skoutara |
Toponym-Alt | Ayia Katerini |
Northing | 4184130.0 |
Easting | 685599.0 |
Elevation | 271.0 |
Area | 3520.0 |
Description | This is roughly rectangular unit comprised of a partially plowed olive grove, and a weed patch. It is defined on the East and West by terrace walls, on the South by DU 7079, and to the North by another olive grove. |
MBG-Length | 96.0 |
MBG-Width | 56.0 |
Toponymn (Linked) | Lakka Skoutara |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Discovery-Unit ID | 7078 |
Land Cover, Coniferous-Forest | False |
Land Cover, Evergreen-Forest | False |
Land Cover, Maquis | False |
Land Cover, Phrygana | False |
Land Cover, Deciduous | False |
Land Cover, Pseudo-Steppe | False |
Land Cover, Chasmophyte | False |
Land Cover, Coastal | False |
Land Cover, Other | False |
Land Cover, Weeds | True |
Land Cover, Grain | False |
Land Cover, Grain-Stubble | False |
Land Cover, Kalamboki | False |
Land Cover, Small-Leafed-Crops | False |
Land Cover, Broad-Leafed-Crops | False |
Land Cover, Other-Crops | False |
Land Cover, Grapes | False |
Land Cover, Almonds | False |
Land Cover, Apricot | False |
Land Cover, Citrus | False |
Land Cover, Olives | True |
Olive Circumference Minimum | 100.0 |
Olive Circumference Maximum | 320.0 |
Land Cover, Other-Orchard | False |
Land Cover Comments | Variable visibility |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Soil-Plowed | False |
Soil-Compaction | Compacted |
Sherd-Crusting | Light |
Clast | Rock-Organic |
Clast-Size | CoarseGravel |
Disturbance | Moderate |
Irrigation | None |
Percent-Visible | 40.0 |
Land use, Residential | False |
Land use, Agricultural | True |
Land use, Res-Agr | False |
Land use, Recreational | False |
Land use, Comm-Serv | False |
Land use, Transportation | False |
Land use, Quarry | False |
Land use, Dump | False |
Land use, Other | False |
Land use, None | False |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Lakka Skoutara |
Descriptive Attribute | Value(s) |
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms) |
Landscape archaeology
Vocabulary: Library of Congress Subject Headings Open Context References: Landscape archaeology |
Suggested Citation
David K. Pettegrew, Timothy E Gregory, Daniel J Pullen, Richard Rothaus, Thomas F Tartaron. (2021) "DU 7078 from Europe/Greece/Corinthia/EKAS Region/Lakka Skoutara". In The Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey. David K. Pettegrew, Timothy E Gregory, Daniel J Pullen, Richard Rothaus, Thomas F Tartaron (Ed). Released: 2021-06-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):
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