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Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Collection-Unit 9077
Materials-Observed Artifact Scatter
Interpretation Settlement
Name Rachi Marias - Artifact Scatter
Period, Summary Ancient-Medieval
Topo-Map 63578
Toponym Rachi Marias
Northing 4198266.0
Easting 675543.0
Toponym Secondary Kyras Vrysi
Investigation-Methods DU Survey, Recorded
Elevation 43.0
Area 4334.0
Description High density concentration of Late Roman and modern material just above and South of the Greek stadium. Artifact count highest in DU 2118, though generally elevated counts in units to the West.
Toponymn (Linked)
Period (Linked) Ancient-Medieval
Descriptive Attribute Value(s)
Vocabulary: DCMI Metadata Terms (Dublin Core Terms)
Suggested Citation

David K. Pettegrew, Timothy E Gregory, Daniel J Pullen, Richard Rothaus, Thomas F Tartaron. (2021) "LOCA 9077 from Europe/Greece/Corinthia/EKAS Region/Rachi Marias". In The Eastern Korinthia Archaeological Survey. David K. Pettegrew, Timothy E Gregory, Daniel J Pullen, Richard Rothaus, Thomas F Tartaron (Ed). Released: 2021-06-04. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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