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  • Suberde Neolithic sheep/goat dataset:

    This dataset was created as part of a pilot project re-examining the fauna from the Neolithic site of Suberde, Turkey. The dataset records a small sample (N=359) of the faunal remains recovered from Suberde in the 1960s with a focus on sheep and goat remains. The first 180 specimens represent all taxa encountered; for the remaining specimens (181-359) only sheep and goats were recorded.

    Goals of the project:

    Assess the nature of the surviving Suberde assemblage and collect information describing the sheep and goat exploitation.

    History of the assemblage:

    Assemblage was initially sorted in the field by Dexter Perkins in the 1960s during the excavation and 'diagnostic' specimens were transported back to the US. The assemblage was analyzed and partially sorted by Dexter Perkins. Most specimens are labeled with their context information or they are in a bag which is labeled; in many cases colored ink was used to label specimens which is now illegible. The assemblage was stored in a basement along with the Erbaba Höyük assemblage, and was affected by flooding. Some context information was lost and some of the storage bags decayed under these conditions. A few bags are labeled 'Suberde/Erbaba?' creating some confusion. The assemblage was eventually recovered and transferred into cardboard boxes; the assemblage has recently (2012) been moved from its storage location at Fordham University to Baylor University where it is currently under analysis by Arbuckle. Based on a quick initial survey of the assemblage, it appears to consist primarily of sheep and goat and pig remains with few other species evident. In an initial report on the fauna Perkins (1968) reports the presence of large numbers of both Bos and Cervus remains. The remains of these large mammals seem to be missing from the assemblage and may have been separated from the rest of the assemblage during the initial analysis in the 1960s.

    Perkins, D.P. and Daly, P.

    A hunters' village in Neolithic Turkey.Scientific American219:96-106.
    Methodological notes:
    • Collection and recording procedures: hand-picking and some screening. Generally unknown.
    • Recording system: Standard zooarchaeological data were recorded for sheep and goat remains.

    Related Publications

    Arbuckle, B. S.

    Revisiting Neolithic Caprine Exploitation at Suberde, Turkey. Journal of Field Archaeology 32:219-236.

    Arbuckle, B.S., Öztan, A., Gulçur, S.

    The evolution of sheep and goat husbandry in central Anatolia. Anthropozoologica 44:129-157.
  • Editor Note:

    Geographic information is approximate.

Suggested Citation

Benjamin S. Arbuckle. (2013) "Suberde from Asia/Turkey". In Erbaba Höyük and Suberde Zooarchaeology. Benjamin S. Arbuckle (Ed). Released: 2013-05-17. Open Context. <> ARK (Archive):

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